NBC Cancells All Hunting & Gun Related Shows!


Long Time Member
In response to the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., the NBC Sports Network has placed an indefinite moratorium on the broadcasting of any gun-related outdoor programming.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-12 AT 07:06AM (MST)[p] Everybody needs to step up contact your senators, Join the NRA. It is going to get ugly . Obama is going to use Executive order just for starters! Biggest gun battle ever comming up. Rutnbuck
They better cancel all there damn violent tv shows too. If it has a gun they better sensor/cancell it. Lets see what these two faced plicks do.
+1 Lowcountry

Almost every TV show has guns and violence. So theyt better danm well cancel all of the TV shows.

AND, if they dont have violence its all sex, and look, we have babies having babies. HMMMMMM, Thats odd.

Is it the Tv and movies that show and teach all this violence? Or the Video games?

Lets start there before we go straight to the weapon!!!
That shows just how out of touch these media nuts are and IMO they are the cause of half the problems in this country. They always acentuate the negative, show all kinds of immoral stuff on the tube, violence of all types, etc. Then look at all the violent video games our youth has at their disposal day after day. Look at how many households have only one parent and many with both where they are too busy to even know or care where their kids are half the time. IMHO it's a wonder this kind of carnage doesn't happen a lot more than it does with as big as our country is and the amount of weapons that are out there for the people who go nuts to steal or buy illegally. This latest one was done with legally purchased and registered guns, so who was at fault? It was the Mom for not having them locked up and her nut son that she knew was threatening to kill and yet left them easily accessible for him to steal when he should have been in a straight jacket in a friggin institution somewhere!
I'm going to call dish and demand they take all NBC affiliated channels off my tv!!!! I wonder what they would say... Start banning these left wing nut jobs!!!!
This last and all other shootings are tragic. But the media and politics use them to their advantage like leeches. There is already way to many laws on the books now. A few are good, and a lot of them are a joke. I believe the back ground check and the waiting period should be sufficient.

If they really want to keep our kids safe they should look at how to prevent the 5,000 to 6,000 plus teens (15 to 20 years old) killed every year in car accidents. That is 68,000 teen deaths in the last decade. And by the way in 2006 over 1,000 kids under 9 years old were killed in car accidents. I do not see the media and politics making people turn in their cars!!

Good grief. Anybody notice the violent TV commercials during football games? I can't even watch a freaking game with my 4 & 8 year old without my finger on the FFD button just incase a violent movie trailer pops up.
Do you have a link or source? I went to their website and all shows are still listed through the end of the year. I'm not putting it pass them to do such a thing as a lot of people are having "ignorant knee jerk reactions" to what happened last week.

I would also emphasize to all here on this site to get engaged on this issue with your government officials and to join and or make sure you are current with the NRA.

If they are going to do this, why not ban everything? Everything has violence that could lead to something. Its part of entertainment and technology

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