NBA- Western Conf.


Long Time Member
Just give the Lakers the Western Conf. trophy now. If the Lakers stay healthy, I see them maybe losing maybe 2-3 games on thier way to the NBA Finals. Are we going to see another Lakers-Celtics Finals?

Its nice to see Steve Blake not take any crap from Jason Terry. Barnes suspension (I see a one or two game suspension) may hurt a little bit but overall it is minor.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I sure hope it's a Lakers/Celtics rematch...we may see real man tears come from Shaq's eyes!! LMAO!!

Z dont even start with the big man!
They wont be able to stop boston this year.

Die kobe die or just fix your lazy eye!!!
"Z dont even start with the big man!" Boston won't be able to hang this year with the lack of size...Perk was their only hope cuz Shaq and Jermaine will be reinjured LOOOOONNG before the Finals...

"They wont be able to stop boston this year." If they rematch in the Finals and you have a bet you'd like to make, I'm all ears and I like other peoples $$$...[/IMG] ~Z~
Celtics or bulls in the east? Tough call! Derick Rose is the well deserved MVP at this point. I am ok with either. I like both of them. If the bulls lost boozer they would be one of my favorites of the NBA. I like to watch the lakers play, I just don't like to watch them win. haha.
Mav's? Lakers just beat them by 25. I'm at a loss for words, Gator!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Lakers wont make it to the finals this year. Im predictin Bulls for the east and im not sure for the west there is alot of tough teams steppin it up right now. I would like to see some new teams in there. Maybe the bulls and the thunder or bulls and dallas.
They don't want to show their "A" game yet. LOL
Beside when the lakers come to town they will have a bunch of Hot babes trying to lure him out of his game . LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LA will be going to the Finals this year, next year, the year after, and the year git used to it cuz the real MVP this year, Dwight Howard, will be joining Kobe on the Lakers next year!! :p


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