NBA Playoffs??


Long Time Member
Go Kobe Go! Not really! I never have been a big fan of Kobe. At one time i may even have hated the guy. He, IMO, was proved to be a serious criminal, to put it lightly, and a thug on the court. Now though, i must give the guy credit for being what he is on the Basketball Court, a visious and super highly skilled competitor!

The only reason that i pay much attention to Mr. Briant is that he plays ball on the same team as my current favorite player, Ron Artest. Ironic isn't it? I've Followed Artest career a long time now but mostly since he became a Sacramento King, then to Houston, and now with the Lakers. He's done well in turning his life around...something i can relate to, and he also plays a brand of basketball that is very much the game that i played so long ago, once upon a time. I like to watch Artest even though it is plain that his best days on the court are behind him(something else i can relate to) but even though his feet have gone out, his legs are going away, he still gives it all he has and there are still glimpses of what i consider to be greatness in the little things he does on a hoops court in helping his team win games.

So, The Lakers. Can Dallas beat them? How about the East? Who's your pick to be in the Finals? It's the very best time of year to be a NBA fan, post em up! Thanks!

Joey, Joey, Joey.....U call Kobe a thug? Don't you remember when Artest was a Pacer and he and Stephen Jackson went into the stands and assaulted the fan that supposedly threw water on them? Kobe a thug?

I remember hearing about Ron Artest being a singer or being a record producer or something of that nature. Do you know anything about that?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Heres a snipette...

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -- Players and fans exchanged punches in the stands near the end of a Pacers-Pistons game Friday night in one of the worst brawls in NBA history. The mayhem left several people injured and prompted a police investigation.

Indiana's Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson charged into the stands and fought with fans in the final minute of their game against Detroit, and the brawl forced an early and ugly end to the Pacers' 97-82 win.

Kobe? A thug? :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-11 AT 01:19AM (MST)[p]Steve, Steve, Steve, My reference to him being a "thug" was strictly the way i saw him as a adversary on the court back when i was a Kings fan. His elbows are lethal.

So, i said something bad about your guy so you say something bad about mine? Isn't that a bit childish Wiz?
I feel that you must be pretty buzzed to try and make bad of what i had to say of Kobe. Try reading my post again. I gave the guy credit. I also know from your past posts that you don't like Artest. No big deal, nobody said he was perfect. Did you see where Artest was awarded The NBA's citizen of the Year Award? Here's a decent read on the subject in case you missed it...’s-a-good-citizen/

Edit; Your second post?? Way old News Steve, way old. You are an Idiot if you think Kobe is an angel and Ron is all bad!

Now, would you care to comment of your feelings how the Lakers will do in these playoff or continue hijacking this thread with your silly games?

Lakers are my team and I think they'll roll over the Mavericks. The better series will be Boston v Miami, I'm really looking forward to that one. The winner there has a real good chance of stopping the Lakers. Go Kobe!
Thanks Feleno, I agree, Lakers over Dallas and the better series being Boston vs. Miami. In that one... i think Boston will win and the easier of the two teams for the Lakers to beat.

Looking forward to it! Where's N_C, shed hunting?

K Joey scroll down in the posts and check out the dates posted and the name of the post is "next", apparently you missed the "next" one...}>
I like Ron Artest as well. It is cool to see people mature and make better decisions.

I've said it before, I am not a fan of Kobe, but the dude is awesome and I love to watch him play. There are few players to ever play the sport that have the will to win that he does.

What is impressive is the playing of the Grizzlies in the first round. They really beat up the Spurs. Played physical and just shut them down. It was a fun series to watch. I don't think they can get past OKC, but the way they are playing will make it tough on them.

I too am looking forward to the Boston / Miami matchup. Should be a great series. Boston is my pick, but I wouldn't be surprised if Miami beat them.

I'm still looking for a Bulls / OKC finals. :)
Looks like somebody was grumpy just before beddy-by time. :)

Lakers in 6 over Dallas.

OKC in 5 over Memphis.

Miami in 5 over Boston.

Who is Atlanta playing?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Chicago in 6.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Buttshot, Whatever...

Alp, Thanks for your reply, my thoughts exactly.

Wiz, I agree! Try some hot chocolate before bedtime. It'll help with your disposition towards Artest! :) We have all made mistakes in our lives bud. Ron has done well to adjust and move forward in a very positive way. I just wish that he could get his legs back. When with Sac, he could shut down anybody. As his wheels are, i only see him with major playing time one more season, if that.

Dry boot, You guys got your own thread! ;-)

TETRA, Thanks a bunch. As much as i like round ball this time of year, i never always really know who's playing who and who's ahead in the series. This will help a bunch!!

Who is the Darkhorse in this race??

I watched a clip of Artest when he was on Houston and he looked HUGE!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Artest is an animal, Kobe is an animal, D-Wade is an animal, Jordan was an animal, Rodman was an animal, Pippen was an animal...bunch of thugs and animals lol!!

I can't frickin believe how shtty Orlando's entire team played...every single one of em except Dwight!! Hey buddy Kobe said come to LA for some west coast sunshine for a few years!! :)

Lakers will play the exact same as last year, not look dominant and still win it all.

GO KOBE GO!! in 5

OKC in 7


Chicago in 6[/IMG] ~Z~
LAST EDITED ON May-01-11 AT 05:42PM (MST)[p]Lol, Where you been N_C? Out horn hunten, big Party wid a lil stripper, or heck of a card game...gotta be one of them! :)

Anyway, i held down the fort by getting over run over so fell back, changed 20's but the Rent costs more here?? I offer my resignation if you care to have it?

Hey, who is the Dark horse of the teams left? Thanks,

Holy crap, is Memphis for real? Those guys are playing some consistent and tough ball. That was a fun game to watch!
If you think Memphis is playing hot, you should take a look at the Predators, they're kickin arse on the Capitals.
>If you think Memphis is playing
>hot, you should take a
>look at the Predators, they're
>kickin arse on the Capitals.

Oh, good hell, go away. Don't ruin another good thread.
Thanks Alp! Some guys just choose to be jerks and plain don't care.

I see where that Zach Randolph is playing great ball and with Gasol's younger bro stepping up they are making quite the statement. We'll see! ;-)

>AT 05:42?PM (MST)

>Lol, Where you been N_C? Out
>horn hunten, big Party wid
>a lil stripper, or heck
>of a card game...gotta be
>one of them! :)
>Anyway, i held down the fort
>by getting over run over
>so fell back, changed 20's
>but the Rent costs more
>here?? I offer my resignation
>if you care to have
>Hey, who is the Dark horse
>of the teams left? Thanks,

Joey, I've just been bustin my ass with school and work so I'll be able to take a break come July, August, and September. Also I'm still planning on doing the wildland firefighting this summer too so been making sure all my finances and bills are set before I tell my bro to find my replacement.

Looks like you've done great job holding down the fort so no need to resign buddy :)

Memphis is looking damn good compared to what ANYONE thought they would...they'll run into 3 BIG problems if they get far enough to play the Lakers...KOBE, BYNUM, and BIG BROTHER GASOL...[/IMG] ~Z~
Screw the Lakers...I got three words for ya, GO KOBE GO!! Black Mamba will be an assassin tonight!![/IMG] ~Z~
>Screw the Lakers...I got three words
>for ya, GO KOBE GO!!
>Black Mamba will be an
>assassin tonight!!
>[/IMG] ~Z~

Uhh ooohhh! lmao!

Traditional >>>------->
Ouch! That one is gonna hurt the Laker Fans. I thought they had that going into the 4th, but LA just gave it away. Honestly, I don't think LA can make history on this one.
You know, you just can't count them guys out until they're done. If i didn't know better, i'd stick a fork in them and call them crisp but that Kobe has surprised me too many times, i've got burnt too bad before when i thought we had them beat.

Still though, Give Dallas credit. They are getting it done when nobody...or very few, thought that they could.

Just saw Kobe on ESPN. He still seems upbeat. I do not care for the guy, but you can't fault how competitive he is. mtmuley
>Just saw Kobe on ESPN. He
>still seems upbeat. I do
>not care for the guy,
>but you can't fault how
>competitive he is. mtmuley

That's the thing about Kobe, his drive, determination and want to win is unmatched in the league. Even though I am not a fan, he is fun to watch and an incredible player. He played a good game last night, just the rest of the team didn't really show up.
Get out the brooms!!!!!!!!!! Bye bye Lakers!

One_dryboot...looks like you're going to pull off a miracle dude...where do you live??

Lakers will trade Gasol's worthless ass and sign Dwight Howard next year...if there is a next year??

all together now....SWEEEEEEEEEP !!!! Love it!

IMO they handed Artest the citizenship award just a littttle to early. Hes a thug alright, ran right over there and thugged Barea, classy! Didn't even care that he hurt Odem at the same time, now thats putting the "I" in team right there!
You know what? I like Artest. He's got issues, and he knows it and really tries to make up for it. His issues get the best of him from time to time, but I'd rather see a man who knows he's got issues and trys to work on it than the dude with issues who say f off to the world and thinks they don't have any issues.
I hope the Thunder signs Howard
Lakers Hope they get the lights turned out today.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>One_dryboot...looks like you're going to pull
>off a miracle dude...where do
>you live??
>Lakers will trade Gasol's worthless ass
>and sign Dwight Howard next
>year...if there is a next
>[/IMG] ~Z~

Gasol wasn't a worthless ass last year when he won a title for ya?

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I hate to say it......but I bet Kobe has a game today like only legends have. Maybe its the whiskey talking cause I don't like Kobe. But he is a winner and he has more heart and determination then anybody in the NBA.
yup...Kobes having the game of a lifetime thats for sure...he will remember this whippin for a long long time!! The Mavs are taken it to them in a big big way!!! Love it!!
Odem ejected! Guess he runs with the same thug crowd as Artest, now looks like Bynum might get thrown out also. Lakers are a classless act....lose and they turn into gangbangers!!! NO CLASS!!
A 2 time defending championship team and they act like freaking thuggs! Oh wait, thats exactly what they are!
They got whooped by the better team and they cant handle it!
Good for the Mav's!
Hold the phone...

I think I just heard Kobe say even though they are down by 30 points, he still feels they are going to win the series.
I love it. Talk about a classy team eh.. Pathetic is what it was but i loved every minute of it. 36 point defeat. Can't put a knife in any deeper than that. I am tired of seeing Kobe's face now i am looking forward to the rest of the play off's.
The way i saw it, the Lakers didn't lose it so much as Dallas just flat out beat them! Congrats to the Mavericks!

So, can Dallas go on and take it all?? The way they played LA, if they can keep up that intensity and making those threes, i believe so. How about you?

I doubt the mavs will win it all.... but then again I didn't give them a chance in hell to beat the lakers
If they keep shooting the lights on those 3 and with that "D" they are playing YES they could win the whole thing.
Glad to see the Lakers get kicked out in a straight 0-4

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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