Navy Snipers



Good job Fella's!


No Gut's...No Story!!!
Widowmaker, you have any details on them popping those pirates? The only article I could find said, "3 miraculous shots from 100 feet..." I doubt they were using the .50 cals...and 100 feet isn't that far away....maybe open sight sig .40s???? No that would be a miraculous shot.
I think I remember reading that the reason they were towing the lifeboat was due to extremely rough seas.
Now that makes 3 simultaneous, accurate shots very impressive..
Regardless, it was awesome!
Two of the pirates had just their heads sticking out of the top hatch and the third was shot THOUGH the 1' X 3' foot front window. Impressive. Most impressive.
You gotta take that pic down. Thats an M82A1 barret 50 bmg. those things are guaranteed from the factory to shoot 2" MOA and no more. The ones I've shot do good to hit 3" from the factory. At matches they are in a class of their own. They typically shoot around 18" groups at 1000 yards where everyone else is around 6 to 7" groups. you figure the average 82a1 shoots 20+ inch groups at 1000 yards is the same as +/- a human being or two at 1000 yards. Thats not a sniper weapon, its a lead chunker!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 10:17AM (MST)[p]Stinkystomper, Which 50 do you shoot ? I have the L.A.R. Grizzly and it too shoots better than the Barret.

Still a great job by the Marines regardless of which weapon was used.
Kind of interesting. The 50 cal's we made for the Seals would shoot 6" groups at 1500 yards+ and were first deployed in combat in the first desert storm and they were single shots built to their specifications for portability for aerial drop. We later on other contracts sold them repeaters. They were making head shots on Iraqi's at 1500 yards when they stuck their heads out of their tanks with them. Our .308's and .300 winny mags would shoot 1" groups at 300 yards very easily. When these guys finish their training they used to get to pick some of their weapons. These guys are the salt of the earth and they are some of the most dedicated people in the world. They would fly into the airport and come into the shop with their weapons they needed rebarreled and we would drop everything we were doing to take care of them. We sold them 250 .50 BMG on our first contract with them on the .50's back in the early 80's. They had been buying sniper rifles from us for years. Most of these guys are fabulous shots with their weapons. Those shots on the back of that boat were chip shots compared to what these guys can do.
Don't worry guys....any day now the commander in chief will release for all to see the highly classified report detailing planning and names involved....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

It's not the range to the target in this instance that was impressive to me. It is the fact that the shots took place from one moving boat to another moving boat. And who knows how long these snipers had to wait for just the right moment to get all 3 bad guys lined up at once. Again, great job Marines.
Tag one of the reasons they were pulling that boat in is that it's gets smoother behind that boat and its calmer to make the shot but they were great shots none the less. These guys can shoot the drivers in vehicles driving down the road at long range at 60MPH pretty effectively. They constantly train under adverse conditions so it doesn't factor into what they're doing to effect their concentration or execution. They will take 1/2 a day crawling across a field in a ghillie suit just to move 75 ft for the right shot while people are in full view undetected. The shots they make out of helicopters are even more amazing. I've been to Bragg to the special ops show and to San Diego many times and have seen what the best of the best can do first hand and believe me it's impressive. When they're shooting a gun your company made for them and doing it it's even better.
>Don't worry guys....any day now the
>commander in chief will release
>for all to see the
>highly classified report detailing planning
>and names involved....

Actually D, Bush is no longer the CIC. Sorry.

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