National Mammal?

...and well worth the senates time...

I like the idea as the bison is rather an iconic american animal. ButI have a question along this same line though;

We have seen what america and some states has done to protect and aid species that once roamed certain areas the U.S. In the plains states the bison herds used to number in the millions of head and now nothing in many states but yet we see no protection or set aside areas for them. This is not only direted at the bison but what of elk and antelope that used to call these areas home but since have been exterminated and forced to find home elsewhere. Is this because of convenience to us? Do the tree huggers and animal rights folks not see these animals used to free range much further west than the rockies? Maybe throw some wolves out in Iowa or Nebraska and see how many folks start screaming when they get into there live stock pens for a easy snack.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
From my understanding the bill does not confer any special standing other than to recognize the role that the plains bison played in the nation's history. But it would not surprise me if the bison where to become the new cause celebre for the greenies.

If they are going to designate a mammal that had a profound impact on the nations history and devopment but is now in danger of becoming extinct perhaps they should have chosen the working man.
...another vote for the working man. That boy is under assault and needs to be protected...
With the deficit growing by leaps and bounds, SS and Medicare tanking, Iran thumbing it's nose at us, a war in Afghanistan, No budget our of the senate in who knows how long I find it sad they have time to worry about naming a "National Mammal". God Help Us!!!

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