National Debt


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-07 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]

After the successful conclusion to the Iraq Purification Action we can pay off the national debt. Here are just a few ways to pay down and eventually pay off the debt.

1. End farm subsidies

2. End farm subsidies

3. End farm subsidies

Get my point Dude or are you going to tell us how expensive our food will be. Remembering that wearing cotton clothes and eating cotton seed is preferable to eating wheat and wearing straw cloths.

After the national debt is payed off the Fed could use grain, cotton or even whacky weed as a sort of security.
If anyone thinks this is ridiculous wait for my next post!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-07 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]Overton,

I think you need to so a little research on the current farm bill and where that money is disbursed. In addition the amount spent on the farm bill is less then the amount it takes to service the interest on the debt.

If the farm is bill ended so are many, many programs the help wildlife and increase wildlife populations, CRP being the most important but also WRP money. In addition many many marginal acres of land have been idled which has improved habitat, water quality and reduced erosion.

With wheat worth over $8 a bushel and predicted to go higher and durum over $9 farm subsidies will be a non issue however healthy inflation and increased food cost will result. Are you aware that there was a recent protest in Italy over the cost of procuring Durum to make pasta.

Goverments know that expensive food leads to instability and therefore have chosen to make direct and indirect subsidies available to farmers.

Getting rid of the Farm program will do nothing at all to reduce or eliminate the U.S. debt and leaving farmers out there on their own is a bigger risk because they may choose to sell all the food stock to India and China and then you will have to compete with them which will further drive up the costs of food.

Dumb arguement.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-07 AT 09:01PM (MST)[p] What Nemont said.

Ransom you've been listening to Rush too long. I love it when that fat stoner wind bag trashes American agriculture while the food falls out both sides of his chubby mouth.
Nemont and Dude

You guys fail the humor test. That was a joke. Are you guys without any humor at all?
Dude your slipping. Cotton seed is toxic to humans. Must be engineered before humans can eat the seeds in volume. I prefer wheat myself. Cotton clothes though, straw would be unbearable.
Dude I don't listen to Rush. He's to moderate for me. See next Ill Wind Blowing Across Pacific Northwest.


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