
Active Member
Jr has a new crew chief on the way. Maybe it will help him.

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
Won't help.
Jr. and Danica are both mid pack drivers with top tier teams. A huge fan base and millions in sponsor dollars keep them in those teams.
They'll win a few races but they'll continue to place, on average, below the top drivers in top teams and above the mid packers in mid pack teams.
I have to agree. The problem isn't Eury jr., Its Dale jr. He's just not as agressive as he used to be. The only chance he takes on the track is to slow down and win on gas mileage. Theres just to many expectations from him because of who his dad is. Kyle Petty proved that just because your dad was a great driver doesn't mean that your going to be.
I think it's a good move. Dale would have likely won a race or two this year if it weren't for equipment and crew issues. He's not the best driver out there, but he's certainly capable of winning a couple races a year when he's got in a real hotrod - and we all know that Hendrick can provide fast cars when the crew chief and driver are in sync on the setup.
Thank Gawd!

Jr does have skill and the best owner/equipment. Tony Jr sucks. It is about time that knot-head got fired. Okay Jr, time to put up or shut up. Jr is turning me into a Lagano fan fast!
See, that's the trouble with Southern Rednecks, they just ain't big thinkers.

All that should have happened was for Tony and Dale to simply..... trade jobs.
When it comes down to driver talent there is little difference between the cup drivers. It all comes down to equipment and communicating with your crew chief on what your car is doing. Lets see Kyle get into robby gordons car and win, Then you could call him a great driver.
I would have to disagree Nascar88, there
is a difference in drivers, some can drive
there car no matter what the setup is,
they might not win but the do the best they

It seems like to me if Jr's car is not set up
right he almost gives up and does not care
where he finishes, you can not tell me Kyles
car is set up perfect every time they race,
or any other driver in the top 12 in points.

Drivers will say, some times you have to
drive your guts out with what you have.

I think the change will help, but Jr is
not in the top 10 best drivers in the sport,
Not top 10? He sure qualifies for the chase a lot.

Kyle's car is not set up perfectly, if it was, he would win every week. I just dont think you can drive junk to Victory Lane, it boils down to who has the best car.

Look for the #20 car to be in Victory Lane soon!
I just think Jr. wants everyone to respect him, in a good way and i think that is his biggest fault, His dad didn't care who liked him on the track and he drove like it. Like I said put Kyle in a back markers car and I bet he dosen't crack the top 20
yeah, it's funny when Kyle is running good waltrip and others talk him up like he is the best. When he has a bad finish you don't hear a word about him.
The #20 earned some brownie points from me last weekend. When he got the #18 loose and KB finished 17th that made my day. Kyle Busch needs to get out of the way if he cant run with the leaders.:)

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