nascar and dirt track raing



i won in elk city oklahma last saturday if any of u all race or ar race fans tell me about it
I raced motocross/supercross for about 10 years(16-26 yrs old),almost NOTHING can compare to the rush of a win, especially your first! TOTAL ADRENALINE!
I raced Group B Rally years ago. There is one hell of a buzz you get from sliding into a blind corner on a gravel logging road an grabbing that wicked oversteer. 130 mph+ on a loose logging road will definately give your sphincter a workout, especially when you are flying down roads with sheer cliffs on each side. I have always wanted to do the Pike's Peak Rally, but knowing me, I would wind up another pile of crap at the bottom of a camyon.
i have a bomber class car number 18 it's is a motecarlo
car is what kind it is
Harry, how far did your moto/supercross take you? Anything really serious? Moto is by far the best sport on earth. If only I was good and didn't have shot knees.
Yes I loved the sport too!
I had a number of bikes over the years.
Yamaha YZ 125
Suzuki RM 250 (2)
Honda CR 250
KTM 495
Honda CR 500
I just raced locally and worked my way up to an Intermediate.
After winning in that class consistentley I trained BIG TIME in the off-season and was feeling real good on my CR 500.
At the beginning of the new season I was practicing with the local Experts at my favorite Night time Moto track and was blown away that I was able to keep up with the fast guys!
At the halftime break they came out and watered the track because it was getting kind of dusty.
Well, I charged out of the gate and was feeling good out there until I hit the slick corner at the backside of the track.
My bike instantly slid out from under me (it didn't seem like a bad crash at first) but my left foot somehow got pinned under the bike and even with good boots,did a 360 on my ankle breaking my tibia,fibula and turning my ankle to mush!
To this day I have 14 screws,2 8" plates and a bone graft out of my hip holding things together.
It could have really hindered my hunting if they had fused it like they had suggested!
Most people have NO idea how physical the sport is!
To be good you have to be in tip top shape!
The top pros are truly incredible!
I'm not real big on freestyle,it is pretty incredible,but I still like the racing best.
I have considered getting my 11 year old started ( he did real good in BMX), but I do worry about the SERIOUS injuries!
There are few things in life that can match the rush of
Motocross or Supercross!
HH, my sons (9)& (5) both race motocross, my 9 yo. is tops in his class for this area, northern NV. 65 beginner class. If he doesn't crash he wins usually by double diget seconds over 2nd place. My 5 yo is more of a casual rider but is starting to figure out that if you want to go fast you gotta turn the wick more..I have to agree nothing like motocross, we can spend all weekend at the races and NEVER have to worry about where the boys are. There is always someone looking out for them and if they get too crazy there is someone who will set them straight and keep them out of trouble. Best family sport i know of. Starting my 9 yo on an 85 probably this weekend, he rode one of his friends the other day and you should have seen the look in his eyes...loved it. Still scares me to DEATH every time he jumps a big double or step down, but i also love it when he does it. Have to agree with you, you really have to know your stuff if your going to ride very fast. We had a "Big man-Little man" race one day...I rode his 65..never had even walked the track....scared me to death and i was sore for 3 days, after doing only 1 lap, boy talk about physical. Yea it's a kick!!
p.s. any pointers that i can work with him on. He's a good rider but not great yet and i would love to see him do really well at it.
I'ts been a long time since I rode,and secretley miss it!
But for beginning riders,I guess the best advice is not to try to learn too much too fast.
Practice just a few obstacles at a time,over and over, until you are confident at that, then move to the next.
Learn to always ride in an attack position with your head up over the cross bar and your arms in a shock absorbing position. and sit down only in the corners. later on, more advanced tecniques might include learning to "bunny hop" your bike... in other words squish down the suspension and unload it for maximum flight.
Never follow directly behind another rider, you will never pass that way,also you will get taken out if he goes down.
On small bikes (125 & under)learn to keep your momentum throughout the corners (rpm's up) so the engine doesn't lug down.
accelerate up until the last possible moment in corners,use both brakes hard and accelerate asap all the while keeping two fingers on the clutch lever to work the rpm's or avoid a stall.
It is so great watching your kid race! I loved watching my kid rack up the BMX trophies all the while living vicariously through him!
Run and lift weights as it is sooooo important to be in better shape than the competition.
Good Luck....Hard work equals more luck!
I've been bikeless for a year now, I sold my KTM 250 I had last summer. Two summers ago on my first ride of the year it decided to swap ends on me and my knees really haven't been the same since. I still had 26 more miles of trail to ride after that wreck. They were black and blue for 3 weeks and I think are now starting to get back to normal. I just had no reason to have a bike sitting in the garage depreciating so I sold it. I'm starting to really, really miss having a bike now. I'm really craving one of the new Honda CRF 250's. The pros are so amazing to watch although watching RC and Bubba decimate the competition each weekend kinda gets a little boring at times. I'm thinking of heading out to the Washougal national this summer.

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