Name this man.


Long Time Member
Yea, when I saw the pic I was surprised. He hasn't aged too well. Shoulda been executed a long time ago.
I think the tattoo is a big giveaway!! I hear he's up for parole...let him out....I'm sure he's rehabilitated!

I wonder if he's still a nutjob? I saw an interview with him about 15 years ago, and he was still nuttier than squirrel $hit.
if i were a bettin' man, i would say the screws are still quite loose. the crazy sob looks a little like saddam hussein in that picture.
I was about twelve, but I still remember what that A-hole did.

I say let the freak out, but give him the Rainbow Six treatment:

Strip him naked and then drop him off in the remotest jungle; allow him a little communing with nature...
I always thought that little tat right between his running lights would have made a great x-ring. To bad somebody didn't use old Charlie for target practice being the nice guy that he is. He's a worthless piece of human that has cost the taxpayers a lot of money to maintain. He should have went to the gas chamber but the bleeding hearts of CA in all of their infinte wisdom repealed executions when Charlie was running around doing his deeds. If nothing else I guess you could call him lucky as his timimg was good when he got caught.
I think it is a hiliarious commentary on our current society.

We have had this dirtbag in prison for years. At no point did Charlie ever actually have blood on his hands. I doubt there is a single person alive who thinks he should be let out. Charlie even thinks society would be making a mistake by letting him out.

On the other hand, the military has some ragheads in prison at Gitmo, known killers and terrorists and look at how "wrong" it is to hold them! And these guys' are still maintaining their vow to wage Jihad or out of prison. You can find millions of liberal Americans who advocate THEIR release.

Somehow, we need to figure out how to blame these ragheads for the deaths of John Denver and Heath Ledger.....that would light the liberals up, big time!

Now, I realize that this is a pretty simplistic view to both situations, but I still find it amusing.
John Denver's plane must have been rigged to crash by terrorists! Or people terrorized by his music. Too broad of an argument - too many good points on each side of the debate.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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