Name this Island


Long Time Member
Hint; two inlets

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-08 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]The one from LOST?

Or how about Female Anatomy Island since there are two inlets?
>AT 03:04?PM (MST)

>The one from LOST?
>Or how about Female Anatomy Island
>since there are two inlets?
> buttholio bay and lake snapper??

I was going to guess DoggieStyle Island with two inlets, but figured the pervos would guess it? Ha!
I'm not sure I even want to know what led you to this interesting little tidbit of geographic knowledge. Perhaps just sitting around looking up dirty words?

I liked my answer better.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-08 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]Funny you should post this - looks like the people of Lesbos don't know what yto call themselves now....


Last updated April 30, 2008 2:04 p.m. PT

People of Lesbos take gay group to court over term 'Lesbian'

ATHENS, Greece -- A Greek court has been asked to draw the line between the natives of the Aegean Sea island of Lesbos and the world's gay women.

Three islanders from Lesbos - home of the ancient poet Sappho, who praised love between women - have taken a gay rights group to court for using the word lesbian in its name.

One of the plaintiffs said Wednesday that the name of the association, Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece, "insults the identity" of the people of Lesbos, who are also known as Lesbians.

"My sister can't say she is a Lesbian," said Dimitris Lambrou. "Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos," he said.

The three plaintiffs are seeking to have the group barred from using "lesbian" in its name and filed a lawsuit on April 10. The other two plaintiffs are women.

Also called Mytilene, after its capital, Lesbos is famed as the birthplace of Sappho. The island is a favored holiday destination for gay women, particularly the lyric poet's reputed home town of Eressos.

"This is not an aggressive act against gay women," Lambrou said. "Let them visit Lesbos and get married and whatever they like. We just want (the group) to remove the word lesbian from their title."

He said the plaintiffs targeted the group because it is the only officially registered gay group in Greece to use the word lesbian in its name. The case will be heard in an Athens court on June 10.

Sappho lived from the late 7th to the early 6th century B.C. and is considered one of the greatest poets of antiquity. Many of her poems, written in the first person and intended to be accompanied by music, contain passionate references to love for other women.

Lambrou said the word lesbian has only been linked with gay women in the past few decades. "But we have been Lesbians for thousands of years," said Lambrou, who publishes a small magazine on ancient Greek religion and technology that frequently criticizes the Christian Church.

Very little is known of Sappho's life. According to some ancient accounts, she was an aristocrat who married a rich merchant and had a daughter with him. One tradition says that she killed herself by jumping off a cliff over an unhappy love affair.

Lambrou says Sappho was not gay. "But even if we assume she was, how can 250,000 people of Lesbian descent - including women - be considered homosexual?"

The Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece could not be reached for comment.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That is an Island off the coast of Mexico named Dos Equis. A german beer maker, on his voyage to San Francisco, ran aground in 1883, his personal ship and it's contents of equiment and machinery to make beer were salvaged. He, Wilhelm Hasse, was able to finally get his equipment off loaded on to the mainland and into production of Dos Equie beer XX in 1884 that many prefer to this day.

His personal fortune however was split and remained hidden in each of the two coves shown on the above picture. Thus, the XX, as in X marks the spots of this buried treasure. Though many have tried, no one has yet been able to find any of the two enormus treasures, few have even been able to find the Island.
Interesting facts you guys. I also know that the southern inlet is known as the backdoor to Lesbos.

Is it No Bikini Atoll? I thought i saw a sea sick sea serpent in the lagoon.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Yup Roy that was the current event that lead me to start reasurching bout the island, imagine my delight when I discovered the unique geographical features :)
Although, as NV. theorized (correctly) I do on occasion set around with my dictionary & look up dirty words :p
That's how I found the word; "pudendum" whilst reading bout lesbos.
Editors note; Use your dictionary not an online search, the later is gross.

Also, it came to mind,
What the faggot islands might look like ???
Nice call F-dude, your kinda gifted with imagery like that.
Almost as though you have a natural proclivity of sorts :)

You know, if all those chicks weren't stuck out there on that island, history might have taken a different course, say for example those hussies could have went to the mainland they might have hung with more Athenian dudes to wet their whistle, so to speak ..... :)
How about it; Pred, TTK,

Don't you think if they had sum Chippendale or Thunder down under type dancers,
that whole Lesbo island thing may have never developed ?

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