Name this chick


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]Feleno must be too busy to serve up any more name the chick posts so I will. Who is she?


That pose is either the lamest or the hottest. I can't quite figure it out know...when they spread their hands so seductively near get the picture.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 01:44PM (MST)[p]NV
dang i post a bevy of redheads and that ain't good enuf for ya?
I'm not to good at guessing, especially front sides. is she a country singer?
>dang i post a bevy of
>redheads and that ain't good
>enuf for ya?
>I'm not to good at guessing,
>especially front sides. is she
>a country singer?

It's never enough for me Feleno. No, not a country singer.

Shed, nope. But that's a good guess based on what you have to work with.

BFE, that's what it would take, eh?

Wiszard, it's called framing the subject.
Looks like she's a little malnutritioned just below her chin. What the hell are those things? Did she just swallow a cow-nose ray? That's odd looking! Ahhh hell, just turn her over!!

Kinda looks like the new "softer" version of Brittney.

Just collar bones Wiz with a little silicone pulling them tighter. Lol

LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-08 AT 03:12PM (MST)[p]>Bridget Moynahan?
Didn't know who that was so I googled her. Nice. But not correct.

Wiszard, this one I would want to look right in the face.

Slam. Britney couldn't hold a candle for this woman. Not in looks (IMO) or talent.

Another picture. Should help a little.
Was going to guess Megan Fox, but this girl looks a bit more to her than Megan.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. 2buck does it again.




Hot, hot , hot. Just my opinion. I'm sure there will be others.
Descent looking but i'd much, much rather have Britney.... based on just looks. heck I'd probably rather have Beckinsale if its OK with Slam.
>....the sheriff is near !!.....


"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>Ding ding ding. We have a
>winner. 2buck does it again.

I'd ding ding ding it.........

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