Name That Floatin' Butt


Long Time Member
Is it that dumba$$ blonde chick from the Hills or something? I can't remember her name; but, she's dating that d*uchebag dude from the same show?
I would say Brook Hogan, but I don't see Hulk there beside her rubbing her AZZ with tanning oil! guess is Cameron Diaz?
"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
we got a winner already. even without Hulkster's hands in the picture boz got it! next one's going to be a bit tougher

WAHOOO,YIPPIE,YEAH Thank you, thank all of you. Hard work and dedication along with a little perseverance will take you to the top. Look at me! Good stuff Feleno. :)
i think perv serverance is a little more like it :)

Next one you are going to have a tough time with. better "bone" up on your celebrities
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-08 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]Thats classic Rack! I am for sure going to steal that one from you!
It wasn't the "hinnie" that gave it away it was the chairs in the background, oh and also the platinum blonde hair.
Rack, both took it in the rump a time or two eh ?

F'er, does that mean you already have your next one picked ?
Somehow the first pic has been replaced by one from an old post. Hmmm

Very nice Rack!

Yeah I got another lined up, stay tuned for the next installment

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