Name for My Pickup


Long Time Member
I always name my pickup after someone who I think is a great hunter. I had one named Broder, after Ed Broder, the guy who took the world record nontypical muley. I had one named Roy Hargreaves. Roy is the guide who actually killed the Chadwick ram after Chadwick wounded the ram and ran out of steam, and asked the guide to find and finish the ram.

I just got a new/used pickup and now I want to name it after a great hunter so it will give me some "powerful magic" as I chase critters.

I'm pondering Ted Riggs or possibly Doug Burris as names. Any of you have ideas as to who you'd suggest as a good name for my truck to give me a little extra luck?

well i say it depends on the truck, after all it cant be a pink outback named shockey!!!! lol
Nimrod was a great hunter in the Book of Mormon. I want to name my next dog Nimrod because I read that.

Is it a diesel that falls apart, is loud and obnoxious, all jacked up and you've never hit an elk with it? You could go with stinky.


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Thanks guys. Thought this might be good for a laugh. It's a pretty good truck, an F350 Ford and it's a dark green color. No lift or monster tires.

The name list looks pretty impressive. I might need different names depending upon where I go hunting. I can see where some of the names might work for SW CO, and others might be better for UT.

There ought to be some good ones for my home country here in WY, too.

This is a slack time of year, thanks for the chuckle.
It's green? kinda like a green cloud of gas? Then there aint nothin like drivin down the road in good ol stinky! Listen to the other guys above. They know what their talkin bout. Just buy a gun and name it Les Baer! then you will be the best hunter and shooter! LOL

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
If it's a Chevy or Dodge and since you're from WY you can call it "Ol' Faithful"-since like clockwork something will be spewing out of it.... could go with HOUSTON, COLEMAN HOUSTON that is! I've heard some excellent things about that young man :)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Great ideas, guys. I'm keeping these in case I live to be 100 and have a LOT more pickups. It's a Ford, so hopefully no cloud of something spewing.

there have been a few clouds of green gas coming from inside the pickup, but the wife has changed my diet and that seems to be better for now. Maybe in hunting season when I get back to eating those cold cans of chili for supper, we'll get them going again.

Thansk for all the good help.
i call mine white truck or black truck or the sub that way i dont get confused as they are easy to about fred for fred eichler that guy is funny as he ll.

Green in color then here is the perfect name for the PU...

GGGOGGS.....translation: great green gobs of gooey gopher S...!

How about "Popeye" after the famous Wyoming mule deer that ended up dying of old age. True, he wasn't a hunter, but he evaded many hunters.
David Long comes to mind. Gordon Eastman. Both with Wyoming backgrounds.
Or give it a hunting womans name like- "KKK" or "MywifeishotterthanTiffany" or some other famous Monster Muley website female hunter.
If your set on a mans name then there are several great MM hunters on this website. Like "BOHNTR", "fatrooster"(just kidding about that one.), and a few others.
Or name it after a MM outlaw like "BOBCATBESS", "KILLOWATT", "eelgrass" etc., etc.
Goodluck, fatrooster.
If it lies about its mileage you could name it Kirt Darner.....i'm just sayin ;-)[/IMG]
EBSCGNC (eat - bite - suck - chomp - gobble - nibble - chew) If it's a dodge. Other than that you could call it MOM for all I care.

Sounds like it's a good ,tough,plain old truck that does what you ask it to , I'd name it Tred after a good, tough,plain old hunter fisherman, man. You could call it TB , id you dont like Tred
I say name it Elmer, after the great Elmer Fudd, it can be your Elmer Ford. . . . Ha ha. He was a great hunter

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Funny that you said Popeye. I had a Jeep named Popeye and one of my earlier pickups was named Morty after the famous bucks in Western Wyoming. Lotsa good ideas, I'll decide pretty soon. And IMO my wife is hotter than Tiffany, and her voice does not drive me nearly as nuts as hearing Tiffany talk.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-10 AT 03:31PM (MST)[p]I know this sounds simple but how about Hunter after the great Hunter Wells. If you ever find the book "They Call Me Hunter" by Hunter Wells you will know he was a great hunter. Great read about lion and deer hunting the old way. I have a copy I got on ebay a few years ago for a few bucks. Now they run around $75 or 80 and up.

Another good choice if you are at all into bears and lions would be Ben Lilly. Also a great hunter and the books are a great read. "The Ben Lilly Legend" by Frank Dobie is one but there's another one, harder to find, but the name escapes me at the moment.

edit: Just remembered the other Ben Lilly book. "Ben Lilly's Tales of Bears, Lions and Hounds". Available used through Amazon starting at $750! yikes!
Hmmm . . . Nimrod was a mighty hunter according to the book of Genesis in the bible and the the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. Apparently he was good enough to warrant the naming of a Valley after him. So naming a truck after him is probably OK to.

Gen. 10: 8-9
8 And Cush begat aNimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as aNimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.

Ether 2: 1, 4
1 And it came to pass that Jared and his brother, and their families, and also the afriends of Jared and his brother and their families, went down into the valley which was northward, (and the name of the valley was Nimrod, being called after the mighty hunter) with their cflocks which they had gathered together, male and female, of every kind.
+1 on fred eichler, one of the only TV host that I would care to go hunting with.
My friend named his truck the meat locker?
It just sounds good when he says "lets take the meat locker"
Thunder and Lightning

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
My kids named my truck Mater. From the movie Cars. It fits, He is a 74 chevy with some rust spots. I have owned him since 1990 and would not trade him for the world. Best truck I have ever had. He backs up really well too. Cedar
My trucks have all had the same name when they were broke-down or stuck out in the middle of no-where......any guesses???
+1 on the many names.
The first name is always piece, the middle and last names will vary.
How about carlos after carlos hathcock AKA the marine sniper...He hunted men better then any other in vietnam, had huge bounties on his head. He had a white feather he would wear to defy the vietnam snipers. He was a great man and saved many lives.


has anyone seen my kittie

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