N. Wenaha-Sled Springs


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 02:55AM (MST)[p]I have been thinking about putting in for this unit with my Dad. But I have a couple questions about the hunt and I was hoping that somebody with some experience with this hunt might be able to answer some questions for me.

How are the deer numbers on this hunt? How hard will it be to find a decent buck? Not looking for anything huge. We would both be happy with 110-120" bucks. Is there plenty of public ground to hunt? My Dad is in pretty good shape but he has a bad back. He gets out and hikes a lot but he can't pack anything out. So if it has to be packed out I will have to do it. So what is the terrain like?

By the way im asking about the late muzzy whitetail hunt.

Please send me a pm.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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