MySpace or Facebook?


Long Time Member
i have a few family members, friends and business associates that have personal pages. not sure i want one but i need "friends" :)

anyone here admit to having a page?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-09 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]I've got a Facebook page but it is strictly for business purposes. Please, Lord, don't let me be the only one to respond to this post!!


If you go on, look for me under the name "Dirk Diggler".
Facebook! Myspace is old school. If you're lucky Doug, tageater and lesgo54 and I may add you as a friend. lol
Neither I have lots of friends I HAVE A J-O-B, They all need money. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Facebook for me!!

Im not a kid, and Im not a your logic sucks WapitiBob!!

FACEBOOK for me....Maybe we need to make a group on FACEBOOK.
My wife set me up a facebook account but I dont use it. She has both and like facebook more.
MY MOTHER is on Facebook you a-holes!!

It is NOT for pervs and kids. My mom and a bunch of her classmates, Class of '69, are Facebooking and they love it. Facebook is great. I've gotten in touch with alot of family members I should really talk to more often and alot of people I went to college and high school with. You don't have to add anyone you don't know to your friend list and only your approved friends can see your stuff. Ya gotta be "on the list".
well i'm still kinda a kid and i have both. But i would join the monstermuleys facebook group

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
I have both, but use facebook 95% of the time. I find it a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I also followed utah house bill 187 with facebook updates, from utah water guardians. And i also get updates from local bands and bars, with dates and times of interesting goings-on. Sounds like a perverted place to me. Oh, and facebook gives me a break from MM, and the idiotic crap half you guys post. IQ test should be mandatory before keyboards are issued.
Sign me up for the MonsterMuleys site.I would like to see who all you guys and gals really are.(ROD)
I agree!
Lets get something like that going Founder, i wanna see all these guys who want to kick my arse!! ;-)

You mean there's more to the internet than monstermuleys and free porn? I'll be darned, I had no idea.....


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I have a Facebook also.....I thought it was crazy..but I actually am addicted to it also. I have found lots of friends that I have lost touch with. It is nice because you only have to add people that You want to...and ignore the ones that you dont want to talk to....

I think it would be cool to have a MM Facebook page....I would be in on that.
>You're taking my post waaay to
>serious TK.

No, you're taking MINE way too seriously! ;-) Don't you guys know I use my insults with affection around here?
facebook is pretty neat. you DO get in touch with a lot of people from the past. didnt like it at first, but its kind of grown on me.

ha ha ha. tennis and bicycles:) reminded me of the royal tenenbaums for some reason.
>You must not like me very
>much then TK. I
>haven't been insulted by you

I wanna see that mullet, ya a-hole! ;-) lol
I am willing to start a Monster Facebook Group if we can get Founder's blessing, since is his......

We can make it a private group that the only way you can join is to request to join identifying yourself via your MM name.
I have both - only use Myspace now though for Mobsters and Poker. Don't really "know" anybody on Myspace anymore. Everyone of my friends on Facebook are people I know, so I can keep up with everyone. Some I don't want to, others yes.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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