My17HMR Big Enough?



Gonna be Packin a Side Arm this next Summer in a Bear Infested part of the Woods!

Just wondering if the MM Pro's think my Snubbed Nosed .17 HMR Revolver is Big Enough?

Post Away Boys!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
That .17 will take care of the cubs just fine..
BUT that will probably pizz off mama bear even worse!

Well maybe if you got one of the heavy loads shooting a soild . But really their gona smell you a mile before you get there. So I dont think your going to see any bears. You know what they say....old plumbers never die....they just smell that way !!
Merry Christmas Bessy , you most be bored !!
Merry Christmas cat!

I have a .17HMR also and i can assure you it's the LAST thing that comes to mind when i think of "protection"!!
I remember what you packed for protection on the Dutton for critters a lot smaller than a bear! ;-)
It sure is big enough, when that old bear starts chewing on ya just put it in the earhole, BUT wait for the perfect shot. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Should work just fine,ask the .243 elk hunting experts they will tell you how its done.
Absolutely, and I am thinking about using one for elk hunting next year. It's all about shot placement..........


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
It's perfect just make sure you take someone with you (chitty friend, your least favorite MMer or an in law) shoot them in the kneecap when the bear comes then run!

Okay now for MMer nominations.


Kill the buck that makes YOU happy!
the 17hmr should do the trick..if i remember right years ago the world record griz. was killed by an old eskimo women with a 22.?
Let Me Know How That worrks out for you as iam considering an african lion hunt with My 17 hrm.
i dont know why you couldnt kill your lion with a 17 .i hear they kill them with stick s.?
Here's my experience trying to get something killed with a 17 HMR:

My dad had a bull get his foot caught in some wire and needed to be put down. My brother-in-law convinced my dad that the 17 would be enough gun to put the mighty bull down. After 6 shots, going back to the truck for more bullets and a couple of shots behind the ear the bull finally died. The next spring the head rotted off and there was not a scratch on the forehead where he was shot at least 5 times.
no body said shooting between the eyes . if thats the case i would go with a bow. it might not stop the bear. but after he eats your azz. it will be easy to fine the bear with an arrow in its forhead. and put it down .
> You don't need a firearm
>anyway, your kinda the Chuck
>Norris of Monster Muleys!!,

LMAO, He is the only one who could out post chuck norris thats for sure.

How many posts would you have by now? you know if you were still your origional self..... pre-ban

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Quite a few years ago, my brother went caribou hunting in Alaska. When he was sorting out his gear he pulled out his 44 mag pistol. The guide (who he knew personally) asked him what the sidearm was for. My bro said, "well..bears I guess". The guide said "don't forget to file the front sight off". "Why's that", asked my brother. "So that when you shove it in your mouth, you won't chip your teeth!".

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
Reload a few with some accubonds and you should be ok.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Make sure you file the front site off. Just in case.

Merry christmas and happy new year.
It should work fine as long as you coat yourself down with peanut butter,sardines, and anise oil first??

But he is such a good shot i think he could do it with the 17

Why would you use a 17?? thats just dumb...

I know a guy who knew a friend's brother that was cousins with a roomate that killed everything back in the 60's with his redryder. Now I don't have all the facts, but this guy wasn't one to tell a lie. LOL.

I think a BB gun or pellet gun (for overkill) would be sufficient.

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
>Reload a few with some accubonds
>and you should be ok.
>"Courage is being scared to death
>but saddling
>up anyway."

Remember; bullet placement is the key. With that in mind, you are free to shoot any "under-powered" cartridge at any animal.... even bears. (if you like to be known as "scat" instead of "cat")

I thought you were exclusively going to be using the .17 JFP from now on?


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
That is the .17 JFP that CUPSY posted!

As of yestyerday REDDOG is still trying to come up with a MAXIMUS Load for me,He claims the Load he has worked up is a 'Good Un',claims He doesn't even need to press the old Primers out!:D

The Way it's done in TARDville!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Will you be with a "friend" or client most of the time? If so the 17 HMR is plenty big to shoot them in the a$$.Then while they are hobbled up, you can make your escape and leave them for dead!
In all seriousness, a handgun of any size will do you little to no good against a charging grizzly. At close range with a pissed off bear your chance of hitting them square in the head, which is the only thing that will stop a charge, is very very low.

If you hit them in the chest they will simply maul you to death then cral off and die.

A 12 gauge shotgun with buck shot, then a slug as the second round is you best bet. That way you can blow his nose off, and blind him too.

OR the very best thing is bear pepper spray. It consistantly has proven to stop a bear charge.
Listen to MTSHEDHEDZ! I carry a 454, cylinder holds 5! 4 for the bear and 1 for me!! If you spend some time talking to locals and researching bear attack stories, there no joke!
There is an old timer that comes into my store known as Chuck Bear,asked him one time about his nickname and he told me a great story.He was 14 years old taking people on trail rides through the Bob Marshall as a summer job.On one ride a sow grizz stood up in the trail ahead of them and the horses started bucking,Chuck pulled his trusty .22 revolver and fired a shot over her head to spook her off,his aim was a bit off and he dropped her DRT in the middle of the trail with a shot through they eye.He said he played it off as intentional as there was a cute girl in the party he wanted to impress,after they got back to camp he went and got the nearest FS ranger and reported the incident,the ranger returned with him and helped him skin and debone the bear(guess they ate the loins that night at camp) and from then on he was "the bear kid".Hes in his 90s now and can tell you several first hand story's of big bears being killed with revolvers in the BOB and Im sure todays modern rounds are twice as powerful compared to what they packed back then.I pack a .40 with an extended mag because I like the lightweight piece but if I was headed to an area full of griz Id strap on the .44,Im going to invest in one of the Alaskans in the near future.
Well in all the cases you listed the bear crawled off and died later. It did not die on the spot. Also none of them were a full on frontal charges of the shooter. You will have a damn hard time hitting them square in the head, which is the only way you would stop a full charge directly at you.

In this one both guys shot the bear and one still got mauled!

Also a direct qoute from the artcicle regarding the moron "Grizzly Man" in AK. The rangers shot the bear a total of 21 times with a 40 Cal handgun and 12 guages with slug. The bear was moving forward the whole time they shot.

"Ranger Ellis was standing with ranger Gilliland and Willy Fulton to his left. Ranger Dalrymple was slightly ahead of Gilliland when Gilliland suddenly yells, Bear! while pointing to the right. Ranger Ellis states that he turned and "saw an adult bear moving toward the group about 20 feet away". All four begin yelling in hopes that the bear would see them and move away. Ranger Ellis then states that he "perceived that the bear was well aware of their presence and was stalking them". Ranger Ellis, armed with a 40 cal. handgun begins to fire at about the same time rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple, who were each armed with 12 gauge shotguns loaded with slugs also begin to shoot at the bear.

Ranger Ellis fires 11 times while rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple each fire 5 times, dropping the bear 12 feet away. "That was cutting it thin" stated Ellis. After about 10 seconds the bear dies and Willy Fulton then reportedly says "I want to look that bear in the eyes" and states that he is sure that this was the bear that chased him back to his plane earlier. (Ellis 2003, pg 3)"

SHEDZ you are a serious Jack@$$ on this site.
Wow that is a lot of hearsay!. I knew a guy...who knew a friends.. brother that was a a cousins... Roommate lol.
Whats the matter POOKIEBEAR you dont like people talking about shooting bears?Are we supposed to give up our handguns and pack pepper spray because you,with your vast experience have informed us that you cant kill a bear with a handgun?Get a clue POOKIEBEAR,the fact of the matter isnt when they died but that nobody got eaten,I dont care if it takes then 2 weeks to die if a face full of 40 cal turns them and stops a charge.
Well, a .17 HMR works good for Aoudad down here in Texas. Should be sufficient for a lil' ol' bear.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-11 AT 02:35PM (MST)[p]Id pack more gun than that for a trophy of a lifetime like that,those Audad could do alot of damage with those massive racks!Id hate to open the gate and come face to face with a wild creature like these with anything less than a .454 strapped to my leg!
Like I said before you are a real Jack@$$. And no I have no problem with people shooting bears. I shot a 7 ft black bear in AK a few years ago. (and yes the measurement is accurate)

Shoot all the bears you want, legally. But a handgun really is not better protection then bear spray. Did you read the linked article?? Or are you to damn stupid to do that?

I tell you what lets go up to AK, you pack your handgun and I will pack bear spray, then lets piss a couple of bears off and see who walks out of the forest. The articles you sited were not of agressive bears. The shooter most likely panicked and shot the thing.

The ones I posted say the bears were charging, and the handgun and shotguns did not stop the charge very effectively.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-11 AT 10:32AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-11 AT 10:05?AM (MST)

Are you related to the grizzly man that got eaten up there?Did anyone get eaten in your articles?If not the firearm was effective wasnt it?Call all the names you want,your just showing your true colors.You pack your pepper spray,I hear grizzlys like a lil cyan with their dinner.Heres a little reading for you,where researchers found that pepper spray had no effect on several bears and people were attacked...
Heres a study by a grizzly expert where he explains that pepper spray is not a good alternative to a firearm in a suprise attack,Im sure you know know far more than him though...
The study conducted by wildlife experts concluded...
"Chuck Schwartz's study and the field experience of hunters in the Yellowstone region clearly shows that bear spray is not an effective alternative to a gun for hunters. Research proves bear spray doesn't work for hunters during a surprise encounter with a grizzly."

These guys do this kind of research and base their findings on facts,where did you get your data?

Are you an "eviro"?

"Environmentalists like Louisa Willcox with the Natural Resources Defense Council ignore all the facts and make bogus claims about the value of bear spray to hunters. On her April 16, 2010 blog, Willcox writes, "hunters may be moving quietly through the woods and accidently bump into a grizzly at a range too close for the comfort of either party . . . In these and other close encounter situations with grizzly bears, bear spray has been proven to be an effective alternative to a gun."
I carry both spray and a gun when I'm hunting. Pookiebear can spout off as much as he wants, but physics are physics and a gun is THE ONLY trump card in a bear attack.
It's my understanding that a bear won't necessarily wait for you to be dead before it starts to Timothy Treadwell you. Personally, I can't think of a much worse way to go, so after it gets you down, just point that 17HMR in your ear and pull the trigger--should be big enough...
ANyone heard from Pookie?Did he head back to ALaska with a case of Pepper spray?
I found a new bear survival method for you Pookie,using this method you wont have to leave them poor bears with stinging eyes from horrible pepper spray...
Alright I still think you are a jack@$$ but you have got me really laughing with the last post and picture!! So atleast you are a funny jack@$$!

At this point I see no point in arguing any more. For the record, I stated this earlier, I have no problem with people shooting a bear. I have shot one myself while hunting, and helped others shoot them as well. I would love to get a grizzly bear in AK, but don't have the money to right now.

The original post was a question as to whether a 17 HMR was big enough for bear country. Obviously the answer to that is no.

I carry a pistol when hunting, and as a fishing guide in AK I carried a 357. The whole time I knew that really that was just a pea shooter if I got a frontal charge, so I had pepper spray too.

I actually do agree with you that I would rather have a wounded bear than a wounded or dead person. But there are a lot of guys, I used to guide them, that think they are invincible just cause they have a big side arm on their hip. When the truth is, it is a crap shoot whether you have a gun, or pepper spray as your articles show.

So back to the original post, if you are going to carry a 17 HMR you better just plan on shooting your buddy and running cause it won't stop the bear. OR get a bigger gun!
I wasn't spouting off at you. All of Shedz remarks on this site are very negative, and geared to piss someone off. Not sure why you wanted to go at me??

But, I am in the same boat as you, carry both a pistol and pepper spray.

The argument Shedz and I were having is whether one is more effective then the other at stopping a charge. I think we really proved one another's point. Neither a gun or pepper spray are 100% effective. It is a crap shoot, and that is why I carry both.
You have called me a Jacka$$ several times,are your posts geared to make people like you?You come off like a liberal tree hugger,thats why the argument started.
Calling me a liberal tree hugger is a pretty far stretch from my comments. Why would I be on this site if I was not into hunting? Again proving what a jack@$$ you really are.

And you have to admit that your comments are obviously geared to raise an argument in all cases.

Sucks to admit that I rose to the bait this time.
All in all your dead wrong about the pepper spray BS and thats the point I was making,your a liberal tree hugger regardless of your hunting,you are more concerned about the bears than the person who might be attacked,its obvious.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-12 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]The only thing that's obvious is that you want to argue with about 90% of the member's posts on this site! That last post is about as stupid as anything you've ever posted, but I'm sure the next one or two will be even better, LOL!!! Just give you a little time, yep!
Nope you are completely wrong. So a guy (me) who shoots and kills a bear while hunting wants to protect them more than people??

I stated out right in an earlier post that I agree with your stance that I would rather have an injured bear then have a dead or injured person.

You really need to work on your reading comprehension!! BEAVIS . . . which on this site is a bigger insult then calling you jack@$$.

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