My Wish for 2008.......................


After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2008!�

My Wish for You in 2008�

May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of �$100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ............�

May 2008 be the best year of your life so far!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-07 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p]Here's to you having a great'08, brian. And every one else too.

Thanks Kilo ... "Making it to the end of the next year is our greatest accomplishment". "Making it to the end of the next year (HAPPY) is a blessing!

That is my wish for all you knuckle heads!

My wish for Monster Muleys is for members to stop policing other members in ways such as mis-spelded words and double postingz of simple thingz like pictures or stories! Theres a few on here who are premadana little biches! When I log into here , I don't want my posts to be graded for mis-spelling or have to worry if another member might have posted the same thing , possibly just possibly under a different thread topic and have some clown point out how dumb I can be be re-posting something someone else did. It's a freakin internet site to share,visit and meet new people and from time to time hash it out with others on differences on a wide variaty of topics.But stop pointing out stupid stuff such as wrong words or double posts!
Just ran 'er through spell check for you bud. Here is how it turned out.

My wish for Monster Muleys is for members to stop policing other members in ways such as misspelled words and double postings of simple things like pictures or stories! There?s a few on here who are prima-Donna little bitches! When I log into here, I don't want my posts to be graded for misspelling or have to worry if another member might have posted the same thing, possibly just possibly under a different thread topic and have some clown point out how dumb I can be. Re-posting something someone else did. It's a freaking internet site to share, visit and meet new people and from time to time hash it out with others on differences on a wide variety of topics. But stop pointing out stupid stuff such as wrong words or double posts!

Merry Christmas!

NMHUNTNUT .......Christmas letter: Dear Satan...LOL

Ok, for the New Year, I promise not to correct spelling on MM threads.....but Damn, some guys on here actually got passed 8th grade English, who knows how?
May the Bluejay of happiness perch on yer shoulder 'an peck off the head-lice.
May the Turtle of Hope poke a hole in yer sack of doubt.
May the Flamingo of Flatulance bless you with some back-pocket poka.
May the Dingo of Dollars drop a pile on yer kitchen table.
May the Elk of Elegance teach you how to bust a move.
May the Hornedtoad of Humility slice you off some humble pie.
May the Anteater of Chance slurp the fireants off yer Aunt Edna.
May the Deer of yer Dreams impale hisself on yer projectile next Fall.
May the Tuna of Turbulance leave you the helk alone.

The Udder Russ
EEL AND RUS, LOL , thanks for the early morning laugh. As I read it I first thought , AH, DAMN IT HERE WE GO, and then I saw who posted it.You guys keep us on our toes , or is it toos , or tooz lol.... don't want much....HEHEHE Merry Christams(by the way, where's my friggin Christams Pickup???)
Merry Christmas everyone. May 2008 be a terrific year for all of us in the outdoors. Good luck to all, as we prepare to apply for our hunts for 2008.


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