My Utah Rocky Mtn. Sheep


Long Time Member
WEll all the months of waiting, dreaming and stressing is now over. Now its back to real life and hoping to someday draw another sheep tag in my life. This was by far the best hunt of my life and got to share it with a few great friends that helped a ton on this hunt. The first day of sheep hunting I realized that I couldnt judge rams and had no clue what they would score so decided I was hunting for the "look" that I wanted.
We found this ram on day 3 and it was the biggest and best looking ram we had found and I couldnt pass on him . one shot with a 190 Berger Vld @330 yards dropped him in his tracks and sent him rolling down the hill.
I want to give a big THANK YOU to those on this site that helped me on my hunt. Many had no clue who I am ,but were willing to go out of there way to help me kill the ram of my dreams. Again thank Ya'll very much, hopefully I can return the favor someday. Sheep are awesome animals that live in amazing country. It was a joy just watching them, but having a tag made it that much better



Let me be one of the first to say how proud we all are that you completed this adventure in such fine fashion. Many who draw a tag without much effort never figure out what they have, but that did not happen with you. You put in your dues and you were rewarded with a fantastic trophy, which will always be special.
Congrats to you One Dry!
Oh baby, you told me he was good looking, but wow. What a beauty. He deffinatly has the look. Great job and congrats.

Nice Ram! Congratulations.

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson
AWESOME RAM, congrads on a truly great trophy of a lifetime.... he is just about perfect in my did great
That ram really does have the look of what I figure a awesome ram should look like . Congrats on a great hunt and stud of a ram .
Nice Boot! What a Beautiful looking Ram.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Great Ram. It was good meeting you and thanks for all your help. We spent yesterday in the country you shot your ram in. It was a tough hike in some wicked ledges. They are taking out all the roads now.
Nice wet_boot
Not even Broomed or Gouged,WTH?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Mr One_dry,

Thanks for sharing your hunt with us!
Thanks for allowing we to be involved in a very small way!
Thanks for dropping by and letting me get my grubby hands all over your ram!

Congratulations on a great ram and a fabulous experience!

Your friend, Zeke
Thanks everyone, I've had a few messages asking what he scores so I'll post for those that want to know. 37 long, 16 2/8 bases and scores 174. Going into this hunt I hoped to find a170+ ram as that is a great sheep in utah. When we found this guy we figured he was probably pushing 170, but I said he is good enough no matter what the score. I could of had a 180 in front of me and I would of passed him thinking he was 170. There tough to judge having little experience. All I know is the full body mount will look great, just don't know where I'm gonna put it?

Going to have to think of something else now when I call you.


I hope you get lucky (again) and draw a desert. You might be hunting at the same time as my son. He'll be out chasing them around next year or so.

Good luck, the application period will be here before you know it.

I knew you had it in you to take a beautiful animal on that tag and you did yourself proud my man---Congratulations on an awesome ram!!!
Way to get 'er done! Nice Ram!

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Great ram ODB! Good to see you the other night. I haven't been on here much lately due to the fact that I've been chasing a little yellow school bus all over the state watching high school sports. Great mass on your ram.

It's always an adventure!!!

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