My Utah Moose



I took this moose in north east Utah on Sunday Sept. 16. I shot him at 200 yards with my Christensen Arms 338 Ultra Mag. I was a little pressed for time on this hunt. I had an elk hunt that was going on at the same time. I may have been able to find a bigger moose but I took this one on the second day. I am happy with the results. Thanks to every one who assisted me on the hunt. You know who you are.


Too many tags eh, Rathole1?? LOL, That a nice bullwinkle, he should be good eating on the table, besides you got more than enough antlers on your huge elk. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Great bull man! Must be nice to have too many tags going on at the same time huh?? Nice job! I can't wait to draw my tag! 11 points and still counting!

You should of held out a little longer and I would have took you last weekend.
Yeah I agree but o well I guess. We will have to take an alaskan trip and go kill us some real toads.
You are a Rathole. What I want to know how the heck did you end up with 2 tags or was one a general? Way to be.

you weren't hunting with the guys from christensen arms were you? if you were you probably saw my uncle and his friend whie you were chasing the big bulls.

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