My Utah Desert



LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-07 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]I shot this Ram on 10/27/2007 it was a fun hunt. We hunted hard for several days before killing this Ram.


LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-07 AT 01:37PM (MST)[p]Nice ram. It's too bad you had to put all those ugly faces in the picture--that guy behind your dad looks like he got stung by a bee. Now that you're done hunting, would you call me back?
Oh man thats great! Looks like you made everything you could out of you OIL chance. Memories and trophy for a life time. Congrats!
heck of a desert, that is my dream hunt! Maybe I can draw that tag in the next 20 years. How many points did you have?
I shot this ram on the San Rafael South unit I had one under max on points. I never know how much stress you can have with an OIL hunt. I hunted off and on for the first month on my days off of work, and then the last week of October we got a little more serious about it. I could not have done it with out all the help I had from my friends and family. Well the day before I killed the ram we was hunting a different part of the unit and not having any luck so we went to a different spot to look. We unloaded and took off and first thing we ran in to a great ram between trying to get a camera out and then get a shot it did not work out needs to say I missed. We then went to were that ram went in to the canyon to see if we could get on him again but no luck. As we were looking around I spotted some more sheep, and this ram was in with them. We put on a quick stock and when we were about 200yd we popped up to take a look just in time to watch the sheep take off. We then realized that the wild donkeys on our side of the canyon had busted us and scared the sheep. We watched the sheep leave the country. We then went to were the sheep were heading and had no luck the rest of the day.

We then came back the next morning to the same spot to start spotting again to see if we could see that ram again. The morning started off slow but we did spot one other ram. We were then trying to put a plan together when my dad looked up and noticed some sheep right where we were just at. We then went back to that spot and my ram and some ewes were in a little bowl. The sheep were about 200yd away but by the time I got the gun and was ready to shoot the sheep took off. So we took off down the valley after the sheep and we caught them as they were coming out of the first canyon 199yd away and I shot him one shoot and he was down. There was a lot off jumping around and cheering that went on. When we all got over to him my Dad told me you know when you are trophy hunting you are not suppose to shoot them in the head. I was luck that it did not ruin the cape. It was a hunt of a life time and you could say I have the sheep bug now.
Awesome ram!
How come that guy in the back has a dead mouse stuck to his chin?

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