My Utah California Bighorn


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 10:19PM (MST)[p]Here's another picture of my ram and the kill shot video. If you pause the video at the 1:32 minute mark, you can see me standing at the base of the cliffs and the group of sheep run past me at less than 20 yards. What a great day and ending to my hunt.


Video link:
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-11 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]beautiful Darkhorns!

the footage is just exceptional...people generally don't seem to think so, but sheep can be almost as crazy as goats when they feel compelled to commit to extreme terrain...i have certainly seen them do some looney stuff sometimes

Awesome job all around, Guys!
You obviously got the DVD to work. I love the music you put to it. I have watched it a bunch since that day and as Robb (PleaseDear) says, it just doesn't get old.
We were thrilled to be able to be there with you, and for Spence to catch the kill on our little $250 camera and have it turn out like that was amazing to me. Especially from 800 yards away.
Congratulations again!
I am a little biased and disappointed that you didn't win the HAC. It is too bad you didn't have this posted on there before they ended the contest! Sorry we didn't get the footage to you sooner.
Anyway, thanks for letting us share some really special days with you. And congratulations on an incredibly special ram.
That thing is a toad!!!! I would have been horrified to watch it fall off that cliff though!!!
Great job!!
That ram and video are awesome! It's amazing with that tumble he didn't bust those horns, but that shows how tough they are. I'm saving that one in the puter to watch over and over. Congratulations on a beautiful animal!!!
Sorry I missed this. Beautiful Ram! Ridgetops you did fantastic and made the most of a dream hunt. You hit him hard, man that was something. I'm glad he didn't keep falling. Proud of you my friend.


Proverbs 3:5-6
My dad shot one of these a long time ago. If I find the pic ill post it.

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