My Turtle blind


Long Time Member
The California law is very clear and specific:

Search CAL. FGC. CODE ? 3502 : California Code - Section 3502

"It is unlawful to use any mammal (except a dog) or an imitation of a mammal as a blind in approaching or taking game birds."

We all know that turtles are not mammals, but reptiles.

I made a plywood cut out of a Kodiak Turtle (Agrionemys gigantea horribilus). It's the only turtle that routinely preys on grizzly bears up in Aleutian Islands.

I'm hunting Aleutian geese and they have no fear of the Kodiak Turtle. They live in harmony with them up on the nesting grounds of the Aleutian Islands.

Unfortunatly, the geese this year shifted their pattern and never showed up on the ranch I hunt. Maybe next year? Stay tuned.


Well there's your problem Eel. Everybody knows the Kodiak turtles travel in pods. They are never solitary creatures. Sheesh. Rookie.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-10 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]LOL......That is just so wrong!!!!!

What kind of unnatural acts are you performing in that thing?

It needs an eye!
You have to hide the shotgun Eel, those geese aren't dumb. Also try to match the blind with the landscape, every little bit helps.
Eel, What's to keep a trophy turtle hunter from shooting you?

Not very well thought out i'm afraid Eel! It would seem similar to trying to draw in the Elk by hunkering down inside a huge Trophy Bull Elk decoy set out in a general season unit on opening day. lol

Eel , I have tried for many years to come up with an ideal blind for those pesky geese up there in them Aluiton eylands. Never in a billyon yeers wood I have cum up with that idea... You rock dood. Cood ya sent me some spesifacachons on that turtl so I can git to wurk n my own?

o ya Eel, won mor thing don't wurry about hidin yur shotgun, it's not big enuff anyway. Ya need a bigger caliber to skair the Alusion gees.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]
"Eel, What's to keep a trophy turtle hunter from shooting you?"

Good point Joey. Turtle season is closed now, so the only person I worry about is Roy.

The only downside is the rancher no longer answers the door when I stop at the ranch house for a visit.

On a serious note,most of his cattle are solid black and I'm thinking the geese won't pay attention until it's too late. It's called hide in plain sight.
Ohh Eel! Such pettyness?? Really?? If you are going after the Kodiak Turtle, then I should be the least of your worries!

Besides, if you were to disappear ALL the fingers would point at me automatically - so really you have little to fear from me.

Nice blinds! Did your grand kids make them for you?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"The only downside is the rancher no longer answers the door when I stop at the ranch house for a visit."

LMAO!!! :)

Did buttshot go to the same school as Rackmaster....the spelling is about the same. Come on try a bit harder when spelling.

Kilo, last night we were at my son's awards banquet for the hockey league, it was cool.
My spelling is usually better but alcohol tends to warp my mind on ocassion and after reading what I put here last night I can honestly say I had more beers than I remember.
Cool post Eel!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 12:20PM (MST)[p]I retract my statement, beer can alter ones mind and thoughts. LOL

What exactly do you mean by that Overton?
Eelgrass, am I to assume you have been pulling the shades over our eyes?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]buttshot, I just assumed you were sipping on a Crown Royal in recognition of, and honor to, the beloved turtle. Either way I salute you.


Edit: never mind overton. He keeps losing his glasses and wouldn't know Kona from the Sahara Desert.
>The only downside is the rancher
>no longer answers the door
>when I stop at the
>ranch house for a visit.
>On a serious note,most of his
>cattle are solid black and
>I'm thinking the geese won't
>pay attention until it's too
>late. It's called hide in
>plain sight.

Well I am afraid that there is more to the story than Eel is telling us. The rancher discovered that his prize black bull was no longer breeding the cows and this puzzled the rancher and when the bull turned up missing one day he began searching his ranch.

Well he found the bull and it was performing what he called a un-natural act on Eel's "Turtle Blind".. He didn't go in to all of the details but he said that he told Eel to remove his blind from the ranch and to not come back.
Overton did you spot the weed growing in the background too and Eel's "duck call".

"If it moves shoot it again"

>Eel, What's to keep a trophy
>turtle hunter from shooting you?
>Not very well thought out i'm
>afraid Eel! It would seem
>similar to trying to draw
>in the Elk by hunkering
>down inside a huge Trophy
>Bull Elk decoy set out
>in a general season unit
>on opening day. lol

NO kidding what a rookie.

you also have to be prepared when hunting in the rut. If one of those suckers sneaks in from behind the last place I want to be in laying face down with a rut crazed razor beak on top.

So my suggestion is set a few decoys up and then dig in a bomb proof pit blind facing the action.

good luck sounds like you'll need it.


Nets are for fish!!

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