My thoughts on Boozer


Active Member
It seems like today people are being pretty hard on Carlos Boozer. Here's my thoughts. Boozer had a great series against Denver, and helped to win the series. Boozer played great the first 2 games in LA. He had a rough game last night, but I don't think it's his fault the jazz lost. Without the jazz having a big man that can be considered a threat, how do you expect a guy that's 6'9 to take on 2 7 footers? Boozer played hard, and I think he played as good as could be expected. He played against people taller than him the whole series and played hard. If the Jazz had a big man that opposing teams saw as a threat, Boozer would be able to go 1 on 1 with more people, and whoever would be guarding our big guy would be hesitant to leave him thus giving boozer more time to work. The Jazz desperately need a big guy that can rebound, and that has a decent post game. Just my thoughts

Props Never_Catch. Your lakers are definately the team to beat.
I've been a Laker's fan since Elgin Baylor was I enjoyed the results.

Re Boozer: he rebounded very well last night. Actually, Utah played hard (when they tackled Fisher at the end of game 3, maybe too hard) and Boozer played quite well. He's really only 6' 8" and was simply out-sized and outnumbered by several big and athletic people. With Okur as their only true big guy, they're not the athletic equal of Bynum, Gasol and Odom (who is).

Oh yeah, Okur was hurt and the tall (but thin) Kirilenko was hurt, too! They did as well as they could expect.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Yea nothing like using your fouls by brushing away a defender or pushing someone in the back. SAVE your fouls and wac someone driving to the basket. HARD FOULS
The Jazz had a great season with one of the best bench's in the league this year!! I can't really think of anyone who didn't have a great year including Booz...they just didn't match up well against the bigger guys in LA. I'm excited to see how much better Matthews will get...that guy kicked ass as a rookie!! This potentially could be the biggest trade summer ever...hopefully the Jazz can come out of it with a little bigger and better line up.


I've always thought that Boozer could play on my teams anytime. He gets a lot of flack but i generally don't think that he has enough supporting cast to take the heat off him. The Jazz need a good big man not just a good strong forward. Yes, lots of teams do but with a good strongman center, the Jazz would be in a much better position to take it all.

my $.02
Boozer is a very good power forward and the Jazz do very well with him, but they will never beat the current Laker team with him, he is just to short to play against the lakers. He needs to go. They need to try and get a taller power forward, at least 6'10 or taller who is athletic. They also need to look at trading Okur. His shot has not been that reliable and he's never been a force inside, just not athletic or coordinated enough. Hopefully they can get one of the two in the draft. My two cents on the Jazz.
ive never had a problem with boozers offense. its his defense that sucks.


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