My Sons Going Huntin'


Long Time Member
I'm pretty stoked that my 10 year old son, Canyon, has decided to go to Wyoming this year with my Dad and me. He loves the idea of being able to tag along and be a part of it. We'll be able to shoot some rabbits, fish for some big trout in the lake and I'll be able to start him on the ins and outs of hunting deer and antelope. I'm not sure who's more or him. I may even buy a doe antelope tag and let him get one in his sights.

Last year trying to call in a dog or two.

His first real game

What Canyon's looking to hook into...

Or one like Grammpas...


Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
To have three generations share together beautiful moments in the field is simply priceless! You have to be stoked Wiz.

That's nice Wisz!

Hope He doesn't catch on to his Ole Mans other Habits until He's about 25 or so!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Think the kid has already been introduced to his dads bad habits, check the sons T-shirt out....LOL

The funny thing about his shirt is that my wife bought that for him while they were at my daughters softball tourney in Bakersfield. She thought it was funny!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
That's really cool. Had one of the greatest days of my life getting to hunt with my daughter on her first deer hunt.

Good Luck Canyon and make sure to post them picts.

HH said that right. Most enjoyable times, the most frustrating times, and the most memorible times in the field have been with my boys. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am amazed that after looking back upon some of our expiriences how many life lessons have been taught and how the opportunity for lifes teachings have unfolded. Its good to watch you children grow and share such quality time with them.
Thats awesome Wiz! If all goes right with this years draw, we are going to cash our Wy. goat points next year and take my 17 & 12 yr olds and my 14 yr old nephew and chase speed goats. They are already jacked about the idea. Probably not as much as the old man though.
I did not know there was a Hooters in Bakersfield? Sweet!!! All kidding aside whiz you are a lucky man, he is going to get those same moments you did with your old man. I am counting the days/years for my kids first real outing!
I was thinking about this the other day....I was trying to remember how my Dad acted when I shot my first big game animal (blacktail doe on an antlerless hunt). I remember him being excited and congratulatory. It was the same when I shot my first buck. I don't remember any tears being shed but I have a feeling when my kids take their first animals, it will be pretty emotional for me. I think it's time I ask my Dad just exactly what he was feeling when I shot my animals. Regardless of how he felt at the time, I thank him for giving me the opportunity to enjoy the hunting lifestyle. I don't call it a sport as I don't believe it is one. It's an activity and I wouldn't love it the way I do if he hadn't opened that door.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Can't wait to see the smile on your faces this fall dude...definitely get him a speedgoat tag!! I can't believe how fast kids grow up...mine's only a few years behind yours...can't frickin wait!! :)[/IMG] ~Z~
Whiz are you going to stop by Mustang Ranch and show the boy how to "Hit it". Quit being all emotional and show the boy what dad is really good at:) All joking aside I was actually with my mom on a deer stand when I shot my first buck. A little forky.I was not really hunting, it was a spur of the moment type deal. He came out she asked If I wanted to shoot him. I took the gun from her posted up on a rock and busted his ass. She was in shock she said. It was funny how I got right to business and did not ask any questions. When my dad showed up she was laughing shaking her head about what my dad had created. I guess from all my practice shooting birds off the bird feeder and ground squirrels with my chipmunk paid off:) Whiz you boys are going to have a blast!!!

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