My son the Eagle scout



Last night my son passed his Eagle board of review. This is the pinnacle of a nine year journey. 4 yrs of cub scouts and 5 yrs of boy scouts. I am very proud of him. I was in boy scouts when I was a kid but did not get my Eagle rank. I told him he just did something I couldn't and will never be able to.
After completing all the requirements for Eagle a candidate goes before a board of review. It consists of 3 adult leaders from other troops or district positions who "interview" the Eagle candidate to evaluate whether he has complete the requirements and to see if he is "fit" to be an Eagle. It lasted 1 hr. I was on pins and needles. Just think of it a 15 yr old sitting in front of 3 strangers for an hour answering questions such as "why do you deserve to be an Eagle" or "if we pass you how are you going to use this to make your community a better place".
A lot of adults would find this tough.
I have attached a pic of him and a pic of myself with him.


Congratulations to your son, that is quite an accomplishment.


PS- the apple don't fall far from the tree.
Scoutting takes a lot of effort not just by the boy, but by the parents as well. You are each to be congratulated on this achievement. (Gotta teach that boy to smile though.)

Earning the Eagle Badge is a MAJOR accomplishment. I know you are proud as you and your Family should be. This says a lot about what kind of a man your son will be when he grows up, hey, he looks pretty grown up already!
I earned my Eagle Badge many years ago. I always included the fact that I am an Eagle on my Resume. Potential employers never failed to recognise that I was an Eagle Scout. I suggest your son do the same. It can't hurt!

WHOO HOOO! Congrats! That is a great accomplishment for both of you.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
By Far the Coolest post on here in a while.

Thank you for sharing that, your son has to be a
very dedicated young man.

And that takes Charecter.

JB nailed it about the nut not falling far from
the tree.

I'd like to see more pictures of you and your son in the
future. I bet every one of them would be good quality stuff.

Shake the boy's hand for me,

I can't add much to what has already been said.
I just want to congratulate both of you on an outstanding achievement. Way to go!


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