my son has croup..advise?



LAST EDITED ON May-08-11 AT 08:38PM (MST)[p]I know it's not super serious. But it breaks my heart. He's my first born so I'm new to all this... he's sporting a fever has a ton of flem and kind of weezes to breath and a cough that sounds like a 10 year old St Bernard bark! He's been to the doc and been given a steroid. Just wondering if anybody had any tricks to help him breath better
D13r my spelling and punctuation sucks.. Just in case you read this. Sorry
It is horrible to see your little ones suffer and know there is not much you can do about it. The steroids will help open up his airways and antibiotics will help keep him from getting any secondary bacterial infections. Humidifiers and Vicks Vapor Rub are standard treatment as well. There will always be people who will debate their effectiveness but at the very least they provide comfort so they build up the soul as much as the body. Just hold him tight and help his momma as much as you can.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON May-08-11 AT 08:56PM (MST)[p]He wasn't prescribed any antibiotics from the doc? Did the oral steroid have antibiotic in With it maybe?
Whiskey, at work we use a cool aerosol to relieve and sooth irritated airways and bronchodilators to open up constricted air passages. The steroids you speak of are meant to reduce the swelling and inflammation of the airways.
The harsh, barking cough is the result of the airways being inflamed and swollen and the wheezing the result of airways being constricted and /or filled with thick phlegm.
You may want to use a voporizer to deliver a cool mist to the face if possible. But, inquire 1st with his MD if this is desirable. Ask also about the practicality of home given bronchodilators like albuterol via an electrically powered mini air compressor called a Pro Neb.
It's simply waiting out this illness. Keep a watch for increased shortness of breath and other signs of respiratory distress.

Rub Vick's on the bottom of his feet and have him wear some socks to beds. It sounds crazy but it really helps. Put a little on his chest also. I learned about the Vicks/feet thing a long time ago. Give it a try.
Thanks guys. He has a humidifier. The vicks on the feet is a good idea since he wouldn't let it near his chest
Hope your little man starts feeling better soon!! I don't feel sorry for many people but seeing kids sick breaks my heart everytime!!

If the Vicks doesn't work you could always let him watch a rerun of the Lakers/Dallas game...he'll puke it all up and feel better in no time ;-)[/IMG] ~Z~
+1 on the vicks on the feet. The skin on the bottoms of their feet absorb the menthol. Nothing worse than a sick little one. Everyone is miserable when they are. Good luck.
Build a tent using sheets over his bed and run a humidifier under it. In the hospital they use a plastic tent but the idea of advising someone I don't know to use plastic with a little one scares me. You want to concentrate the humidity inside the tent so he's breathing moist air. If he gets real bad, like during a coughing fit, take him in the shower and turn the water on hot so as to make steam until he can relax. Obviously be careful he can't reach the hot water.
Cool air will help. You can wrap him up in blankets and sit out on the porch. Don't know why it works, but it does.
Be careful with hot steam. Can cause airway damage, especially to young children and too much humidification can overcome the ability of the body
to mobilize secretions in very young children. That's why cool aerosols are preferred.

Yeah WB some docs are hesitant to prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics anymore unless they know for certain it is a bacterial infection. They must think it is purely viral, which means there is reallt nothing they can do for the actual ailment until it runs its course so they are just treating the symptoms. If it gets worse, AB's will be the next aggressive step. I know it sounds horrible but sometimes babies are a lot more resilient than we give them credit for. Hope all turns out good with your future hunting buddy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
WB, same boat my friend we went to the doc with our baby girl saturday and doc gave her a steroid, and also found she had an ear infection so we got an antibiotic for that. It has been some rough few nights...hope your little one gets better...our little girl is a little better this a.m. hope your little one gets better!
How's he doing? any better? Croup is tough to watch a baby go through. And there isn't much you can do as it's a viral infection of the larynx. Breathing cool air is a great remedy though. Take him outside or stand near the freezer and have him breathe in the cold air.
How old is he?
He's 13 months. He is doing a Tad bit better. He tries to be happy and hyper like he usually is but after a minute he just lays his head down and just lays there. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! He is a lot more cuddley tho. Which my wife loves. Haha
My son is actually going thru the same thing. He was actually hospitalized for two days, as his oxygen was dipping down. He still has phlegm, and congestion, but is doing better. They prescribed him an anti biotic, so it would not turn into anything else, steroids to open his lungs, and a nebulizer with albuterol as breathing treatments. The hospital stay was horrible, two plus days, holding him down for IV's, and blood work, plus they gave him a catheter to take a urine sample, he is 20 months old. It was definitely not what I wanted him to go thru.
She is on the up hill now. It was a rough few nights up at 3:30 in the mornin (when she usually sleeps all night). But she is doin good. Hope your boy gets better soon!! Moss hope your little one starts getting better as well.
+1 on the vicks on the feet ...vapor bath ... run shower just sit on the toilet fill room with steam ... lots of fluids

Good luck WB
As much fluids as he will take will help lighten up the flem.. My mom always gave me as much tampico juice as I wanted and then some... Stay away from milk, it can increase the flem.. That's my uneducated opinion from experience. Hope you guys kids get better fast!

+1 on the cool air. When my little guy had the croup, the doctor administered the steroid and then told us that when the coughing gets severe, to bundle him up and take him for a walk outside in the cool air. This was during the winter and it was quite cold out. The Doc said that with infants the airway is small to begin with. When the swelling from croup occurs, the throat swells inward, causing the constriction to the airway; thus the wheezing. He said that the cold air helps to contrict the swelling and makes it easier to breathe. We had three 10 minute cold walks the first night, one the second and then our infant was doing much better from the steroid. Hope your bout is about over. It certainly makes you feel feels helpless.

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