My Problem with America


Long Time Member
I have 4 kids which all go to public schools. Their ages are 7, 9,11 and 17. My younger kids district are having to lay off 43 teachers by the end of the year. There is not enough in the budget to pay them anymore. The district has gone so far as to tell them the may still teach this year but they will not receive paychecks but IOU's....yes, IOU's. I thought it was a joke too. I called and verified that is the case. Heres what really pisses me off...our state representatives are going to continually give those that refuse to work hard my hard-earned money. Our budget has money implemented for breakfasts and lunches for those kids on welfare. Talk about double dipping! On welfare AND receiving two free meals a day? And I pay for it with my tax dollars. My neighbor pays for it with his tax dollars. My 17 year old daughter pays for it with her tax dollars. She never understood why there were two lunch lines at her high school. I had to explain why. One line is for those that pay for lunch and the other are for those that get it free. She tells me, "I know people in the other line and they have money!" After I explained how our country was becoming more and more socialistic...or taking from the hard-working so the "less fortunate" can have more for less, she saw everything in a whole new light. There are teachers losing jobs which is going to cause them to possibly lose their homes, and our government continues to allow double-dipping? Our government is "giving" this country into the ground for those who do not deserve it. Most of work for a decent rate or make good enough money to live and support our family. Why take from us and my family to support another? It blows my mind...

Hear! Hear! or Here! Here!

However it's expressed....people need to LISTEN.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Thats how obama and the libs want it. They want 51% of the country on well fair so they can keep getting elected and the othere 49% to pay for it...........
Good point Steve, just the other day was talking to a buddy,his wife is a teacher in Los Alamos and he was saying the same thing about the lunches, some of the parents would drop their kids of in there fancy SUV's,and they would be the first one's in the free lunch line isnt this a bunch of crap.Here's another one to piss you off, the other day at work I heard that the company and cal trans were having problems with one of the sub- contractors thats doing the landscape work on one of our jobs,and nobdoy wants to deal with them because they cant speak english,mind you its a 800,000.00 contract just for the landscaping, so of course that pisses me of so I'm talking to the cal trans inspector about it and he tells me the state which is in Bad money trouble, pay there people 15% more on there wage if there bilingual,anyway I dont see any light in the end of the tunnel, the new guy leading the country now has a good line,I think were in foe a long haul...Bob...
If I ever get so worthless that I can't get up and fix my kid a sandwich and put a piece of fruit and a cookie in a paper sack, just shoot me!

I dont mind helping people for a short time if they NEED it. Long enough to get back on their feet and support themselves but its getting way rediculous fast.
Pelosi wants to give all of her so-called repressed (lazy parasites) our tax dollars so they can live at the same standard that the tax paying citizens live. The arrogant pos made a statement that was on our local news this morning that about made me puke. She stated, referring to a bill something of the like "thats right the democrats (democraps)wrote the bill and it will pass. We won the election and thats how it's going to be". That will be the same attitude when it comes to our firearms and ammunition.
Here's a recipee that I believe would get our country headed in the right direction.
1. Get the illegals out of OUR country and send them running back to whatever craphole they came from. Make the punishment for returning to OUR country so extremely severe that they wouldn't even think about comming back.
2. Nuke NAFTA. Bring the jobs back to us.
3. You don't work and pay taxes due to being a leech you don't vote. (Disabled Vets and folks that have a legitimate disability would still vote).
4. You recieve a wellfare check (they call it a paycheck),you earn it.
5. To recieve the wellfare you piss test. Piss dirty, no money.
6. Habitual criminal = 4 cent solution (the cost of a 22LR round). I'm talking about real criminals not political, you know gang bangers, rapist, child molesters,mom and pop robbers.
7. Hold our elected officials accountable.

I know it's not perfect, but hey it's a start!

Norkal- It is a hell of a start!! Too bad the ship to socialism has already set sail. We're taking care of those that refuse to take care of themselves?! Something is wrong in this country. I just don't understand why the politicians don't see it.

Thanks, but it wouldn't work. I'm a lousy politician, I believe in the United States and our Constitution, I don't give a crap about most of the world, and oh, I have integrity!

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