my post was worded wrong i guess


Active Member
i have drawn le tags in new mexico (three) utah(two) and colorado(1) i always take my kids hunting every year on gen tags or otc tags. i shouldn't have said no person no decent tags anytime. wapiti bob is right tags are available i guess i should have said its frustrating that with all the people and point creep and more tags going to auction tags and landowner tags each year that its hard for a person getting in on the draw late to draw a le unit. i agree with browning rages thoughts on some changes need to be made and liked his suggestions. i was trying to draw out ideas to make the system better. didn't intend to come across as a complainer because my kids have only a few years before work family and life in general get in the way so we are gonna hunt no matter what the tag. thanks for the comments
"Frustrating" ...... I agree. I guess I'd like to see my boy have some of the same opportunities that I've had, but that just won't happen.

Brian Latturner
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A lot of misery comes with resisting what is. We've had opportunities that coming generations won't. The main reason I am with the opportunity crowd, vs. trophy crowd, is because the only hope we have as hunters is to maintain a significance in numbers to counter those elements that would take hunting away. We will only do that by keeping hunters in the field. In another era, I probably would've been a trophy hunter. Rather just keep all of us, our kids, their kids, etc... in the field than worry about a great trophy for the wall.

I think a lot of states are trying to cater to both trophy and opportunity desires. It is a tough tightrope to walk and I don't envy game managers.
I thought your question and statements were worded well patea. I don't consider it complaining when you point out facts and ask people's thoughts on how they might be fixed. I liked your post, hence my long and thought-out response. I don't think there is a single state that has figured out how to please everyone, and it probably impossible to do so anyway. Changes need to be made. And I think it's needed here in Utah more than any other state.

Keep posting away. You'll always get a little push back no matter what you post. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>I think a lot of states
>are trying to cater to
>both trophy and opportunity desires.
>It is a tough tightrope
>to walk and I don't
>envy game managers.

This is why states differ in strategies. Like Coors vs Bud vs Fat Tire vs (insert brand) microbrew, each state's draw system is built to attract and maintain a different segment of the nonresident hunter market. Without being rejected by the organized efforts of state voters. When hunters apply for multiple states, that is a way of supporting each state's system by participating in those states' drawings.
I didn't respond to you personally and didn't think your were complaining. It started a good conversation so nothing to be concerned about. I look at NVs deer program for kids that are residents and it's awesome. I hop you find some good hunts for your kids and if you need suggestions out west PM me.

I decided years ago that I also would be bringing my kids Hunting. This caused big issues with the wife and schools each fall.

I just did it.

Taking kids out of school is seen as anti social and illegal by the schools. Looking back, I don't know how I did it, 2 weeks at a time, but I did and, it has given us kids who will always Hunt and, raise their kids to Hunt also. Often it's worth being anti social insofar as following in line with all the rules society places upon us.

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