My plan for shop mice


Long Time Member
Pretty simple, really. And, it eases my mind until hunting season.

I got one of these:

And was able to put, using compressed air, one of these through sheetrock, less the 'fletching'.

Bitches...I'm after your mouse turd dropping azzzes.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
i seen a hunt'n show the other day, i believe it was from africa they had blind set up on a water hole shoot'n dove & sand grouse (i think),with them dart guns, are lethal on the small game
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-11 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]How much is, and what are the odds of drawing a Limited Entry Mouse Tag? And how many points did you have?

Full body mounts are probably kinda spendy, but could also double as decoys!

Edit: is it an either sex tag, or are you gonna have to sneak up really close to find a guy?

LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-11 AT 10:24PM (MST)[p]I got a landowner tag...depredation hunt.

However, this time of year the tags are hard to come by. This one was taken in 2006, the last time I had to draw a tag..and a trapping tag at that. Haven't drawn since for rifle season.

Kinda small, but meat for the ice cube tray.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I'd like to see how many holes are in your drywall at the end of the month! LOL. I hate little rodents like that. I have some rats that like to go in my gas grill. I'll sit in my garage and open the door very slowly and shoot them with my BB gun as they walk to the BBQ. Little fockers!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
When I first bought my house I had a field day trapping them by using peanut butter. Dumb bastards.

I tried to buy my nephews one of those for christmas but cabelas would not ship them to ca. They said that they are illegal here total bullshiet.
I just killed one with a baseball bat two days ago. He was stuck in that sticky stuff you put down along the garage wall. He won't mount very well though I kind of crushed the skull plate!!!
He probably would have scored around 188...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I had one of those when I was a kid, loved it!! So much fun to kill little critters with :)[/IMG] ~Z~
That would be fun. There was an old chainsaw shop across the street from where I use to work back in Oregon. In the winter hours, a couple friends (old timers) use to go buy around 20-30 mice and turn them loose in the shop just to sit around the wood stove and do some "hunting". Use to crack my ass up to see all the peanut butter dabbed all over the place baiting them mice out from the hidey holes. Those fellas were shooting one of those 1 ##### high-powered pellet guns with like a 9 power scope to do their hunting inside his saw shop. It was amazing at times that they even had lights that worked with all the holes in the electrical conduit from shooting at the mice that ran across the "gauntlet". Men in their 70's making a trip to the pet store to buy up mice, turn them loose, and go hunting. Cracks me up to this day. I miss those guys.
I like it. I have a squirrel problem here. They chewed up some wires in my truck and I had to take it to the shop. Cost me a 100 bucks. So I bought me one of them expensive pellet guns. I've been picking them off the wood pile out of my daughters bedroom window. Yesterday I went to wake my little girl up to fix her breakfast and there were three of 'em sitting there. I got a double. So my little girl who is four was all pumped to go look at them. So we go out and look and she says "It's so cute! I want to eat it for breakfast." I got a kick out of that. You gotta raise 'em right.

If you enter any of your kills into contests, there are guys that have no ethics and they open the mice cod sack and replace their junk with the junk from Kangaroo rats!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Smells like a high fence operation to me.

At least tell me your not gonna shoot over 20 ft. with that primitive chit, there will be gut shot pisscutters running all over the neighborhood!

Great idea I have been wanting to get some of those for my kids!


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Every one of my apartments on my mish had tons of them. We would hear them running through the rafters during study almost every day and they would get into any food not put into the refrigerator. We had to put even potatoes and rice in the fridge to keep them safe.
Might I make this suggestion for what to do with said mouse after its departure:
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-11 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]I got a triple this morning. Lots of good meat on the big one to the right. Gotta find another number 2 pencil for a game pole, the fat one broke it.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
who in the hell skins mice!!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!

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