My new waterslide


Long Time Member
What do y'all think?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
No way those, i mean that, is real. he would have torn that pool apart.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
I was thinking the same thing, Those pools barely hold up to a five year old playing in them. There is no way it will hold up to a guy flying into it feet first. Still a cool video.
Let see landing in a rubber pool a couple feet deep sitting on a wood platform. Yea right! With the speed there showing and distance, that thing would have exploded like a ballon and they would be scraping him off the ground.
This is a hoax. It didn't happen. Ultimately, it's an ad for Microsoft Germany. Still, it is awfully clever. Heck, some commentators out there on the Net are suggesting it could be one of the greatest fakes in the history of the World Wide Web.

One big question is whether this will help to reposition Microsoft as a force to be reckoned with in the collective mind of the world's tech-obsessed masses. For the better part of this decade to date, that's been pretty much dominated by Apple. You know, the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, etc. What, you think those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials just happened one day by accident?

How this excellent production came together can be boiled down to something like this -- a stuntman starts down the slide, but a rope keeps him from going too far, the thing that's airborne isn't a person, but is instead animation, and the principal character ended up in the pool by dropping off a small ramp. Piece it seamlessly together, and there you go.

According to NewTeeVee, a marketing firm that deals with viral ads was signed up to get the video on to a few dozen Web sites. The agency claimed it was planning for the spot to stay in Germany, but c'mon, this is the Internet we're talking about here. With social networking having effectively taken over the known universe and serving as our sole means of communication with other humans, there was no chance this thing was seriously going to remain confined to one nation in Western Europe. (Did they really want it to? Really?)

This story is only a few days old, and it's captivated millions of viewers. News outlets are spreading the word. Type the word "megawoosh" into Yahoo's search engine and you will get about 270,000 hits. Believers in the stunt are crying foul at those who would insist it's as phony as the moon landing. Wait, bad example. You know what I mean, though
Manny thanks for being a killjoy.....:)

Just wait a few weeks and re-post this thread again...LMAO


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
it might be fake but at least it was timely.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Sorry, it sure looked real; I said the guy was a mathematician to figure that out.... LOL

JB B nice!
Dang Manny, I'm impressed. You disproved a hoax and were first to do it. Good job.

That "How to Stay Current on the Internet" class down at community college you been taking is really paying off, huh?
Wait! This just in from Manny.

This bull could be the new Idaho state record. Scores 575 and change and was taken on the Selway.

:) smile manny
>Wait! This just in from Manny.
>This bull could be the new
>Idaho state record. Scores 575
>and change and was taken
>on the Selway.

>:) smile manny

wrong again, it was taken in Kali....

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