My New Mexico Dream Hunt



Just passing some time and thought I'd pick some brains here on MM.. Have any of you guys ever drawn an Ibex tag in NM?? OR, helped someone on a hunt who did have a tag?? Would you even consider the hunt a "must do" in your book, or a hunt that just doesn't do it for you... I think I've read every peice of info there is to be found on this hunt.. And looked at every photo that has ever been published or put out. There just isn't much info out there on this hunt.

I do believe this hunt has got to be my number one dream hunt here in the States to draw.. Awesome mountain range (Florida range) that the hunt takes place in, and an even more unbelievable animal that you are getting to match wits with. Just about the baddest Mothers that call the mountains home.. These goats seem to defy gravity.. They are unreal.

I put in every year... and get the boot every year!

But one of these days I'll get that tag and then I'll be looking for one of these bad boyz thru my 15's..
What a game animal!!!

What do you guys think?



I'm heading down there in January for the archery hunt. I can't wait. It's been my dream hunt for many, many years. The archery hunt was my third choice behind rifle and muzzleloader, but I really don't care. I almost can't wait for elk season to be over so I can start scouting.
My dad did this hunt back in the 80's when the numbers were way up. He drew an ibex and bighorn the same year (first time putting in for either one). He said the ibex hunt made the bighorn hunt look like a cake walk.
have been on few hunt! i harvest 2 nanny before can hunt for billy, never had chance to go back for billy! it's awesome, beautiful critter..that was in 1990's

so cool to see the ibex's jump on deep cliff! to other cliff! wow! still tryin to draw again!!

good luck when u draw someday!

On the top of the list for out of state critters. They are spectacular!!

Vini, got any pics of the nannies?

Good luck NM!

AntlerQuest Scouting & Hunt Consulting
Scott, those rigs are cool looking. PUT ME IN.
BTW I got the goat tag. Plan on coming down. Bring the big eye.
Your taking about my dream hunt now. I put in every year and someday hope to draw. I've been on the Floridas , and I can say they are the most extreme of mountains . The ibex are doing better and there are some absolute GIANT Billies. In 2005 guy from Alaska killed a great goat that scord 116 and change that is now number 4 all time and number 2 for muzzleloader.The girl showed there is the World Record muzzleloader and number 3 all time with a score of 118 3/8.She actually shot and missed a goat that she said was bigger than the one she killed.The world record scores 135 7/8 and I think there are a couple that will score in the 120 range. NMTAXI, your in for a blast and a challenge.I'm tempted to do the same with the third choice just to get out up there....Man I dream of this hunt!
NMHUNTNUTT, even though the chance of scoring on a billy is low, it is going to be awesome. I'll be up there 10 to 12 days, and just hoping I can get a billy of any size to come within range.
I hear these ibex make deer and elk look stupid, and the chance of spot and stalk are almost none. I'll have to look for escape routes and water holes.
Outdoor America had a show last week where they were hunting ibex in the Floridas. I haven't slept much since, and have worn out the tape that I copied it on. Just 5 more months!!!
RE: Hey Scotty...

Those are awesome animals Scotty. I've never put in for them but after seeing the pics you posted, I will. I didn't realize they had gotten to world class size. Seems like when I first read about NM starting to offer draws for Ibex and Oryx, the fee was $400. Last time I read, I believe it was up to $1,500. What's the tag nowadays? Good luck, grayghost
I was in elk camp last year with the gal that shot that world record w/ mzl. Man what a super person. She said that the hunt was unbelievable.
NMTaxi, I wish you all the Bueno Suerte in the world!! That has got to be the ultimate in bowhunting.. But my friend, it can be done.. I found this pic just for you! If this guys did it, so can you!! What a rush that had to have been for this lucky hunter..

And just think, this bad motha is somewhere in those jagged peaks, right now, waiting for ya to come and test him in Jan!! What a freakin' stud!!!

And I also dug up a couple of more pics for everyone to drool over!

Man, I thought I was the only one who would give their second born to hunt these goats!! You guys have it as bad as I do!!!



Thanks Scottyboy!!! Those pics are awesome. I don't see a whole lot of work getting done today. I can't imagine how bad it's going to get a month or so before the hunt.
I'm hoping to get lots of video during my scouting trips and hunt. It's definately something I'm going to want to re-live over and over again no matter what the outcome.

like i said b4...stay and camp on the top! it is very tough to climb up again!

there are man-made water tank, near Needle Eye peak....i suggest u glasses from truck first to find Ibex's then start to hike..that's what we do...we basecamp on top also..its beautiful at night..u can see whole cities lights!!

DK..i'll have to look up in my photobook to find the nannie's..both are 15" around...

i have map if u want to check it out...

Thanks Vinny. Needle Eye was definately going to be my starting point. We'll have to get together soon to figure out the details on our AK moose hunt, and I'll prod you for ibex info also :). I've bought some new gear that I'll be trying out on the ibex hunt before our lives depend on it in the Alaskan wilderness. It should be a good test run. This damn work stuff sure gets in the way of daydreaming about hunting.
Scotty, you better figure out a way to hunt those bad boys. I've never seen somebody get so excited watching a hunting TV show.
I told you Nate.. I think I have that obsessive compulsive disorder!! After seeing those Ibex that night, I can't stop thinking about them!! I've been doing my research so next year when I have that tag, it'll be as easy as shooting a goat in the barn!! I wish! I have wanted one of those boogers since I can remember!!

tell the esposa hello for me!
NMTAXI, EMAIL ME , [email protected], I have a friend who lives there in Deming that may lend a hand as well as another friend who was with the girl who killed the #1 muzzleloader goat the first week of the hunt, he may help line you out some good info as well.

I will put in for this hunt forever,as long as my body can handle the mammoth mtn.Now I'm wishing I had put in for the bow hunt, just for a chance to be in those mountains....
I think it is safe to say thay we all have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It sure is fun though.
thanks for the pics and info scottyboy. those ibex hunts are definately once in a life time hunt. just keep pushing and putting in for a tag. if you don't draw you could alwas fly to mongolia and kill a few in their natural habitat. I think they get bigger over there, but not sure. goodluck
>thanks for the pics and info
>scottyboy. those ibex hunts are
>definately once in a life
>time hunt. just keep pushing
>and putting in for a
>tag. if you don't draw
>you could alwas fly to
>mongolia and kill a few
>in their natural habitat. I
>think they get bigger over
>there, but not sure. goodluck

I plan on putting in on that hunt till I get that tag!! SOMEDAY!
That hunt in Mongolia is also on the "to do" list of hunts..
The ones in Mongolia are the Altai and Gobi Ibex.
The ones in NM are the Persian or Bezoar Ibex. They are native to the countrys of Turkey (still huntable there), Iran, and the neighboring areas to southrn Iran..

Ibex are a facinating animal.. There are the epitome of mountain hunting. They live above the sheep in country where sheep prefer not to go. And they can go where almost no other animal can traverse.. And the coolest thing about them is that there are about 10 diffrent species that are readily available to hunt for a fraction of any sheep hunt anywhere these days.. A Mongolian Ibex hunt will only set you back about 6K or 7K . And that is including the flight over there.. I for one would much rather do that hunt than a guided elk hunt or any NA hunt of the same price range over here any day..

If you really like reading about Ibex hunting, I would sugest buying the book called Memories of a Sheep Hunter.. A kinda pricey book, but worth the money if you are into collecting good reading material on hunting like me... It is full of Ibex hunting stories and has tons of good photos!!
Here's a pic of my dad's ibex from back in 1984. It measured 36", and is what started my obsession with these animals (you would think he could take the cigarette out of his mouth for the picture :)).
Dan, what an awesome pic!! Now thats old school ibex hunting!! I dig the pic.. that was the norm for back in those days... Tell your old man congrats on one helluva trophy!!

And thanks for scanning it and showing all of us!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-06 AT 04:16AM (MST)[p]Welp I thought I had drawn the once in a lifetime hunt but drew the muzz hunt. Man this ought to be an experience.

Scotty- That pic of that one that is still alive is actually dead. They popped it on the muzz hunt this year. It is the one where they have the head on the hood of the 4-runner.
Well someone got themselves a super ibex with a muzz, didn't they!!! Wish it was me that got a crack at that one.. But there are others that big in there...
NMELK13 , where are those pics. I know a guy from Alaska killed a billie that scores 116 and change with a muzzleloader this past year, wonder if its the same one.
Thanks nmelk13, I hadn't seen those pics. Yeah that goat scores 116+, those pics do not do give the billie his due, he's a stud goat .Its a dream to go . Whats your smoke pole set up?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-06 AT 11:47PM (MST)[p]Knight revolution, 100 gr of 777 and 295 aerotip pb's. I was thinking of going with a 245 aerotip. I have alot of time so I will play around and see what shoots the best. I'm getting 2" groups at 150 yards with the 295's.

That goat is awesome I would love to see it in person. I think I have a good game plan going in but I will see how that goes once I get there since nothing goes to how I plan it. And also would like to say thanks to you, vin and some others for the info that I have recieved.

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