My new hobby


Long Time Member
I've been taking care of mom's lawn since dad passed away. She is always trying to pay me but I won't take it. To make her feel better I asked her if I could borrow dad's little 10" bandsaw. She insisted I take it home, so I did.

I've been off work for the last 6 weeks so I decided to tinker around a bit. My mom and wife both love birds so I put a couple projects together. I ended up enjoying doing it. My first time ever carving or painting.

I tried to keep it light hearted and simple, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. If you'll notice, I even made up my own birds and paint colors on some of them.:) Plus my mom amd wife have to say they like them.

Just a bandsaw, a dremel tool, and $7 for an acrylic paint set.

I mean, an old man has to do something, right?:)




Very-Very nice Ell. Your Mom must be like a 115 years old!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I never thought I'd say this Eel but....nice pecker!

My father in law retired and took up carving duck decoys. I hope I live long enough to get a hobby:)
Thought it woulda been a bunch of Tortises?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Very cool Eel... If I tried that I would have a damn ugly carving and about 6 fingers..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]I bet you could sell those for $200 to some tree hugger!

*edit- but besides the joke, very nice work!

I've wanted to do some painted carvings for each river I've fished. I've picked up drift wood from each, and would like to Dremmel out the species that I caught there, and mount them on the drift wood. Guess I just need to do it!

Eel you old fart, you do have some artistic talent in you. Now when are you going to give up your honey holes for hunting?????

awwwwwh how sweet!!
some of you guys clearly have your
minds in the gutter...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

one day a little boy was praying,
his dad walked past his bedroom and stop to listen to him,
the little boy said "thankyou for mumy, thankyou for dady, thankyou for grandma, ta ta grandpa"
the next morning the famaly wakes up do discover that there grandpa id dead.
the next night the boy starts praying again,
his dad walked past his bedroom and stop to listen to him,
the little boy said "thankyou for mumy, thankyou for dady,ta ta grandma"
the next morning the dad wakes up and finds the grandma dead on the kichen floor,
the next night the boy starts praying again,
his dad walked past his bedroom and stop to listen to him,
the little boy said "thankyou for mumy, ta ta dady"
the dad get scared and decides to go to the doctor and the doctor says his got nothing to worry about.
the dad decides to walk home,
when he gets home he finds the postman dead on the floor.

tageater, you should try it. It'a a lot easier than fly fishing.:)

goatroper, you should hang out here more often, you'd fit right in.LOL

RELH, I'm thinking seriously of giving you the location of my honeyhole. It could use a good kerosene forest fire.

overton, piper said that flying to Alaska would create too big a carbon footprint and billions of people would die, so not going is the right thing to do.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-11 AT 02:00PM (MST)[p]Eel you are a chirp off the ol block. Nice work, I didn't know you were into tweeting.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-11 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]eel looks very nice! How much time did you spend on it?

Foundation wanted to know if you can make him a Pink Flamingo?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-11 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]Eel, that stand is a work art, no doubt. What brand of feed are you putting out to get all those birds to come in?

Thanks guys. It was fun to do and I'm going to do something a little different next time.

Rug, I didn't keep track of time but generally I carved 3-5 birds a day, never more than an hour at a time. I stayed out in the shop longer if my wife was home.:) Then I had to go back inside to watch the Giants, or take a nap. Kind of like being retired like Kilowatt. lol

I'm back to work now so it may be awhile 'till my next project.

I tried to carve a mule deer rack out of a single piece of wood, but dang that's hard to do.


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