My New Granddaughter....


Long Time Member
Welcome Averie Jo Wisz to MM! My daughter and her were released from the hospital earlier today. It's so nice to be home and just relax. Averie is a great baby. Rarely cries and loves to snuggle. A bonus is that she looks nothing....and I mean NOTHING like the asswipe father. What's funny is that she came out whiter than my daughter is. Long story about the father but he is not in the picture and it's been discussed about what to do about it. We figure I'm still young enough that it won't be like she doesn't have a father figure. I'll still be Grampa but won't have the fearures of the typical Grampa! Maybe were reaching but sometimes not having the father (donor) involved in a baby's life is a good thing. I know it is in this case. Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments in the previous post. I'm very happy to be a Grampa. Heres Averie....



"Get that corn out of my face"
Congrats on yer new grandyoungin Wiz!! If you wanna sound younger you could always go by Papa instead of Grampa or Gramps or Old Man...just sayin lol!!

Sucks the dad is a douche...sometimes it's the other way around but luckily for you she'll be around yours and not his family.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-10 AT 03:08AM (MST)[p]Man what a cute little pooper. A mini-Wizette. I have grandkids and I'm tellin' ya your going to have fun and she's going to change your life. Congrats. I hope everything goes great for your daughter too.

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Nice Wisz!

It's official,you are older than me!:D

Next go around with the next Daughter you'll have to have a little talk with the boyfriend & just Splain it to him:'You hit it' & I'll hit you a lot harder!:D

Just RAZZIN ya Wisz,this stuff can happen to anybody!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Congrats Wisz,
Good looking Granddaughter
You know those few gray hairs in your beard are going to get a lot thicker now that you're a grandpa!

She is a cutie!!

If the father is a turd hopefully he just stays away like most bad ones do!

Beautiful baby, Wisz. My grand daughter has been the best thing that has happened in my life in a long time. I'm sure little Averie Jo will have a profound impact on your lives.

Congrats to you and the family on a cute little granddaughter there. It even gets better once you become a GreatGrandfather.
My first GGD was just before I turned 55 and still have some time yet, I hope, before I become a GGGrandfather.
Tell us how it is in 13 years from now.....teenagers can cause GRAYHAIR...LoL

But enjoy this precious little girl and watch over her and the mother, congrats.

Thanks Kilo! and everyone else for the nice comments. It's pretty exciting and my daughter is being a pretty good Mom. She still needs a bit of help due to being sore from the C section but she's managing. My mother-in-law is here today to I'm oughta here! LOL. Somehow work becomes a necessity while mother-in-law is around. I crack myself up. She just bugs!!

"Get that corn out of my face"
Steve, that's wonderful! What a beautiful little girl.

When our daughter was born, my wife's dad came over to our house every night after work and on weekends for the first 35 days in a row! When he realized it, he apologized for being such a "pest".

We know now that there is no such thing as too much of a grandfather's love!

Congrats Steve.. She's a beautiful baby girl. It's funny how the emotions from when your children are born resurface as soon as you meet a grand child.

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