My Nevada area 143 Antelope buck.



I got this guy opening morning of my season on 8-22-2013. I only scouted this area once the previous day and although I never seen any buck I still wanted to come back and hunt this area. I spotted this guy a little more than 1.5 miles away. I decided to give him another look so I loaded up and went hiking. I was hidden most of the way on my hour and a half hike. I seen him and a doe looking at me 150 yards away. I crouched down and the buck and doe just kept walking towards me and looking at me as if they were curious or something. I thought it was funny. When they were about 75 yards away they stopped. He turned broadside and I debated and debated on shooting him. I decided to end my hunt even though it was only opening day. His prongs don't have much length but I'm happy with him. My hike back to the truck was an exhausting 2 hour workout but I finally made it with all the meat, cape,head, and my gear. He's not the biggest but I had a good day to myself.
It sounds and looks like you had yourself a great time in the field. Fine looking pronghorn!
Well done,
Of my first dozen or so antelope hunts, I don't recall more than a few lasting longer than an hour. My last one lasted a day and a half!
My son usually has to "carry my bullets" to keep me from impulsive trigger pull. That being said, pronghorns are a blast to hunt and it looks like you had a great time.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing your success with us.
Thanks guys,
Yeah it was a good day. I'm glad I beat the heat before the day really started warming up. I think he is going to be good eating. I can't wait to season and grill some back straps.
My wife is one-in-a-million! She's been raised on the family beef yet her favorite steak in a lean backstrap pronghorn steak, cut thick, fried to rare, a little salt, lots of pepper and served hot. It's the most tender meat of the North American big game critters IMHO.

You'll have some fine steaks if you got him skinned and cooled.

Hey LBH, my hunts have usually slightly more protracted since most hunts were with "stick and string". Those last bucks you and your son shot were better than good!

Thanks again for sharing your hunt!

I really like the look of that buck which to me is more important than the score. It sounds to me like you had a great hunt. It's always a challenge in the heat which you had to get the meat cooled for me sounds like you did a good job.
Thanks guys. Everything kinda worked out for me. The first 100 yards back to the truck was a struggle until I rearranged my pack and stuff.

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