My mule deer unit just went CWD



Any info or thoughts from you all on what this will do for and against me? I am wondering if it will up my draw odds any. I know how to set up a CWD sample to bring back but have not looked at how to get it to the G&F etc. The area is rough enough I bone out my deer anyway so I have that end covered also from experience on the mountain. Any experienced ideas on how fast the CWD results are posted after season ends??
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-07 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]why bother,they only way you can possible contract it is to come in contect with the spinel fulid and theres never been a case of it being contracted to people.
I hunt with the retired Chief of Bio services Wyo G&F. We NEVER have them checked.
May help you with the odds some on drawing but we've had it here for years(THANKS CSU)
I am not worried about contracting it, but I did think you had to mandatory sample in CWD units. From everything I have gotten info on it is stated the spinal areas the brain and they suggest leaving the large tendons ( who wants that anyway unless you are using it for bows or art work ) Oh and the glands. Pretty much what you leave when you bone an animal out anyway. Guess I'm pretty much just hoping my draw odds will go up due to it and lack of knowledge by some. Thanks for the input.

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