My Mountain Goat


Very Active Member
Well, I am the kind of guy that when it comes to hiking I would rather go short and steep than long and drawn out. So instead of taking the 8 mile hike up the trail into middle basin, we parked at the highline trailhead and went straight over the top of the ridge into the basin.

I have hiked this ridge a half dozen times this year while scouting and when I got to the top I saw something I haven't seen once. All of the goats were down low in some great terrain to shoot a goat.

There was one group of ten on a higher shelf about a half mile away (and down 1000ft) and another four on a lower shelf about 3/4 of a mile away.

We hurried down the steep slope quickly to get a closer look at the first group of goats. We closed the distance to a couple hundred yards and found mostly nannies and kids with one or two younger billies in the group.

We decided to move on to group #2. When we got to within a couple hundred yards of this group we found nothing that got me excited. While sitting there wondering what to do I began to glass the hill sides. About another 1/2 mile further down the basin I notice another group of goats making there way towards us and still low in the rocks just above the lake. So once again we moved to get a closer view.

Once within about 500 yards we got set up and began watching them. We found mostly nannies and a few kids in this group of 13 goats. But two were billies and one I felt was a shooter. I started ranging and found the goats to be around 450 yards out, but they were working towards us. About 350 yards out was a cliff band that they could either go above or below. If they went below they would come right to us. If the went above, we would lose sight of them and have to circle back around for a shot.

I got my bipods set up and put my pack under the butt to get a nice steady shot and waited. At this point I was unsure weather I was going to take the shot or not. It was so early in the hunt and very early in the 3 days we had planned to hunt the basin. Plus I knew there is a bigger goat somewhere in the area, although I have only seen him once in the dozens of times spent scouting.

Well he was about to walk up behind the cliff band and out of sight and I let him have it. He was 358 yards out and the shot hit him perfect. He staggered, walked downhill about 30 yards and dropped and was done. It was 10 am the first day in. By 2 PM we had him caped, quartered and camp set up. We relaxed, waited out a nasty rain/hail storm and got a good nights rest.

The next day (today) we packed up our packs and dumped all of the food we brought to last us the 3 days we were going to be in there and realized just how heavy those packs still were!

Needless to say, it was a miserable hike out with packs over 80 lbs each. But I do want to give a HUGE, HUGE thanks to my good friend Aaron who after having some bad luck getting the flu for the last four days of his elk hunt, still made the hike in with me and helped me every bit of the way. Then when all was said and done he packed out and incredibly heavy pack up and over a steep ridge back to the truck. THANKS AARON!

With all said and done I am very pleased. He is not the brute I had seen previously but he was a good goat and in a great area for a shot. I threw a tape on him and he measured 47 4/8". After putting a tape on him I am sure the bigger billy in the area could go over 50".









This is the ridge we had to go back over to get to the truck.

Taking a break on our way back up the ridge.

The route down the ridge.

Awesome goat, and scenery pics! Thanks for sharing. I think you are wise to take it when you get the opportunity to take a good goat in a good spot even if it is early in the hunt.

What a great hunt!!!! Glad I could be there with you! Happy my good luck rubbed off on someone....even if it wasn't me this year :).
Sweet Alp, CONGRATS!

That straight up and straight down stuff doesnt look like too much fun...even without the loaded packs! Looks like you guys earned that goat!
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
Sweet! Congrats on a great billy and some awesome pics! Got me inspired for the weekend. My boy and I are going to hit the highcountry and see what we can turn up. This will be our first attempt of the year. We'll see how it goes. Most years, the snow hits early and hard, so it could be our only attempt.
Great goat! Congratulations!
Looks like I better get serious about tagging along on another goat hunt. Been on two now and have the invite to go in a couple weeks.

I don't know which is better....having gotten to "get your goat" or having been able to hunt in such spectacular scenery.

Good for you!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Nice goat Alp...and those scenery photos are beautiful..
Congrats...nothing wrong with that animal at all!!!
Alp. First off, glad to see you guys got up and down that awful steep country without getting hurt.

Mainly though, Congratulations on that awesome beautiful, snow white, long haired Mt. Goat. Nice!!!

That's a hunt of a lifetime IMO, appreciate you sharing it with us, just wonderful!!!

hey that is one beautiful goat congrats i was just in that country for the first time on a pack trip with my family neat country, rocky as hell though.
Cool pics and sounds like a great experience! I love the coat on your mtn. goat-about as white as they get it looks like.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-09 AT 12:31PM (MST)[p]That's too cool! Way to make it happen. I've enjoyed following your prep, scouting, and now to finish it off with a great trophy. Great memories for you I'm sure. Thanks for taking us along.

The photos are awesome by the way.
I've guided or just helped friends harvest a total of 9 Utah Mt Goats so far(all but one over 9.5 inches) and even though my points aren't in Mt Goats (holding out Sheep) I love to hear about other hunters goat hunts and see their pics. One thing I've found is the trophy is in the cape on a Mt Goat. So don't worry that there might be a bigger billy in the basin unit, there is always a bigger one...You killed a dandy looking billy with a great hide, and he didn't get all busted up rolling off some cliff which many do when a hunter gets too impatient and shoot one in a bad spot. Good memories, a great billy and fantastic photos.Thanks for posting.
Very nice alp. For me, it's harder to carry a heavy pack down hill than up hill. Especially in something like that boulder field. I used to be famous for taking the short cuts too!:)

Beautiful photos of an outstanding animal.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Awesome story, pictures and goat. Thanks for sharing. I think the harder the hunt is the more memorable and appreciated it is. Congrats on a great goat. fatrooster.

Congrats! Your goat looks great and not real bloody! I feel so fortunate to have got to go on a goat hunt. I bet you feel the same. He is an awards goat and that is cool! My computer is ruined so I had to hook up a laptop. I was wondering how you did. I am glad I looked at your great photos. It is tough to keep looking when you find a very nice goat. You made the right call.

Congrats and let us see him mounted!
It was tough to want to keep looking, but at the same time I know there is a big boy up there. I don't know how easy he'd be to get, but he's good. Sometimes I think I should have taken more time and waited to see what I could make happen with him, but at the same time I am quite happy with my goat and had an awesome hunt. It really just came together for me. Makes me want to start putting in for goats in other states.
Nice job on the Goat. He's great lookin. I want to get one someday. I know exactly what you're talking about on those 8 miles. I've been up there before, but wasn't a hunter at the time, so didn't even look for anything. We just did some fishing on the lower lake. Less than 24 hours we were in and out. Nice job again!

For the love of the game
Great looking goat! The country looks awesome!! Care to share what unit? I have 7 points and can't wait to draw. Struggling with which unit though. I am going to be hunting with archery equipment. I have good horses so getting into the back country is no problem. 100 + foot cliffs are. Leaning towards Beaver but odds aren't good. I think the Uinta units have a lot to offer but I haven't been out there to know for sure. Any thought you are willing to share would be great! If anyone would like to go when I draw you are more than welcome.

It is the High Uintas west. Most of it is wilderness area and difficult to access. Having horses would be a huge help. There are goats in just about every basin in the unit and of course beautiful country. I was lucky enough to draw with 6 points. It was still pretty low odds, I just got lucky.
great goat! if I ever draw my bison tag, I would really like the Red Castle goat tag. your pix making the urge to hunt goats in the high uintas 10x worse!
Those are some great pictures of some awesome scenery. That is some crazy country to hike through. Congrats
Congratulations Alp! What an amazing goat and nice job with the pictures. I hear ya on the packout, 80 pounds doesn't sounds like a lot until your the one doing it. Thanks for sharing your story. Goat hunting is about the entire experience and it looks like you soaked it in.

I got my goat as well...when I have some time I will post up the story. Don't know the exact score but the taxi guessed him around 46, 9 x 5 1/4-1/2. He is P&Y and in the end that's what really mattered to me.
Thanks mountain time and a HUGE congrats to you as well. Way to make it happen with a bow. My hunt ended all to soon and afterward I wondered weather I should have gone in after it with a bow or muzzleloader instead. Sounds like your measurements are close to my goats and I scored him at 47 4/8. Get us some pictures and the story ASAP.

Lets see him when you get a minute! Sounds like you guys got us on length. In fact, one horn was slightly chipped on the end. I can only get 8 5/8 on my wife's. I need to check base mass again. Dont want to tell you 5.5 if he isnt, but that is what I remember? Seems like each mass measurement above that was almost exactly one inch less on each quarter from the one below it.

Good job guys! I hope I can get lucky and get my goat very soon. I think they are cool animals mostly because very few people ever get one. The country they live in is pretty spectacular as well.

Mountain Time are you the guy hunting Lone Peak with Scott? 46" with a bow is pretty awesome.
Thanks KTC and ALP! I will post up some pictures when I get a chance.

Alp, I hear ya, I felt like my hunt ended to soon as well. But I think it worked out for the best. (So does my wife, with our 3 kids and a baby that was born in July--she felt like a single mom this summer) I would be extremely proud to have taken your or Mrs KTC's goats with a rifle. Just hunting them on their turf is the real challenge.

KTC, yes I was the guy that Scott helped out. I owe him a BIG THANKS, he went scouting with me more than anyone else. He and I hardly knew each other to start this year and he was one of the first guys to offer his help. He is a good man! I wish he could have been there but he was in Alaska working and wasn't sure when he was going to get back.

Mine chipped the end of one horn as well but it looks to be pretty insignificant. He only went 10-15 yards and then tumbled 20 yards off a cliff. Got pretty lucky as he caught on a rock ledge.

I feel truly blessed to have drawn this tag, what an experience.

KTC, when you do draw I would be happy to come and help out.


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