My little girl rocks!


Long Time Member
I have a little girl who is 6. She's my only girl, she's got 3 brothers, so she gets a bit spoiled. I'm not the most girl-girl ever (don't get me wrong, I'm girly enough, but I'm just not a pink lace, frilly, fru-fru, scream and hug friends kind of girl. I'm athletic and into outdoors stuff and I CAN go to the restroom by myself....just have to make sure my make-up is on and my hair looks good before I go play ball or go hunt...LOL) so, I never really wanted a girl, but this little girl of mine is so awesome and such a great blessing in my life.

I love her girly-girl-ness. She loves dresses, she's into fashion, boys, high school musical and Hannah Montanna, and her friends.(slamdunk....if you badmouth Billy Ray I will kick your a@@! lol)

So, when I asked her if she wanted to go hunting the other day I fully expected her to say, "NO WAY!" because she doesn't like blood and hates to see animals hurt...etc. WEll she surprised me when she said, "MOM! OF COURSE I want to go hunting with you! And then one day I'll get a deer license and I'll shoot a deer too, JUST LIKE YOU!" AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

My girl rocks!

What a beautiful little girl. Take good care of her. You are a lucky woman KKK.

CUTE KID Jenn........

I have two girls only and my oldest is all about hunting. She practiced using an old Elk call for months before my elk hunt this year. And can not wait until she can hunt herself!


Cute pic KKK, but show us how she looks in camo. Aren't girls great? Here's a pic of my #1. She does elk imitations all the time. Let's see all the future lady hunter's in camo. Post your pics. Your little one does rock 3k!


EHH! Strike all of the above. I got dumped. She came home with a birthday party invitation (and it had HANNAH MONTANNA! on it! AHHHHHHH!!!!! lol) for a party tomorrow. Never mind hunting with mom. But, in all fairness, the party IS going to the Corn Maze so that's kinda fun.

LOL I jinxed it, didn't I?

Oh...and Zigga...your daughter is ADORABLE! She's got those big ol' brown eyes like my little girl. Ally would NEVER wear cammo though. She's got some pink and grey cammo, but that's as close to cammo as she'll get.

TripleK, sorry she bailed on you but she will have fun. She is a cutie.

Ahhh, little girls, they do have a way of stealing your heart.

Here is a picture of my little girl with her brother long time ago.

And here's one of my "little girl" a month ago with her little flower girl who can also steal you heart without even trying..


Enjoy them while they are little.
I still can't beleive you make your children watch Hanna Montana, their all going to need therapy!!

Can't you just do what NORMAL parents do and send them to their rooms when you discipline them Jenn???

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
My little girl is such a Princess! Wanna know how I know?? SHe only wants to hunt Buffalo! Of course just about one of the most expensive free ranging hunts you can buy....I would post a pic, but too many pervs on the interwebs!!!
Now THAT's really sad you have to say that Tony...but your exactly right.

I'd sure think we'd all be safe to show our kids on a hunting site....but ya never know.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Cute girls! If you play your cards right and get lucky, they grow up like mine did and bless you with three grandsons! Tammi is our only child, and we are so very proud of her!

Now I'm taking off for the last two days of blacktail season! Good luck to everyone this week-end!

Y'all ALL Have Cute Girls.

I aint got none, so Cherish Them boys and
girls. Please Please Please.

TK, you're girl is a cute as a bug.
You're a BadAzz Chick. No two way's about it.

JB, I like the way you're going to make your kids
Tuff. I agree with you all the way.

Put'em out there, let'em have FUN.

Life protected, is life not lived.

God bless you parents. I dig y'all.

mine's cuter than all of yours...
just kidding, they're all beauties.
she's 5 weeks old yesterday.





Well since we are sharing daughter pics I couldn't resist flipping my wallet out either. Here is my little girl - TK's daughter's first cousin. Unlike her first cousin, wants to be rough and plays just a tough as the boys do. She loves soccer,basketball and softball and wants to play football just to show that boys aren't as tough as they say they are. She is a gree belt in Karate and does dance too, but grudgingly so, mainly to make her mom happy. Though she loves baton twirling, but I think that is just because she thinks it will make her better at Karate. She is learning piano, but just so she can play guitar better - she is going to start her own rock band! She is the best, most determined hunter/fisher of all my kids. She will cast her little Barbie pole until the reel falls off. She always wants to put her own worm on her hook and handle the fish. She caught a 2 lb bass all by herself this summer (that Barbie pole kicks some serious bass!)and is still mad at me that I haven't got to take her camping yet this year. She has all the dress up toys and the barbies and dolls but her favorite toy is a cap gun and she "hunts" her stuffed animals. For the longest time, she wouldn't wear anything pink or purple but after she saw some pink camo, she decided it might be ok. All of this to the dismay of my wife (almost the exact opposite of TTK!) so I think our kids must have got switched or something. LOL - anyway here she is:


Here is a link to my blog on Myspace that relates one of the experiences I had with her:

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-07 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]Your little girl does rock, Roy and I still think we each got the wrong kid. LOL My girl would LOVE to take dance but I refuse...besides...she's too good of an athlete to waste it on freakin' DANCE. ;-) Incidentially...Ally wants a guitar for Christmas and would gladly join Bailey's rock band. LOL

LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-07 AT 09:06AM (MST)[p]>mine's cuter than all of yours...

LOL She IS quite cute! I love that 2nd pic where she's winking. Adorable!

3K the girls are your best hunting companions. Mine was our first so she's been blowing duck and elk calls since she was 6 months old. The highlight was when she was 2 I put her to bed and sat back down on the couch to finish watching a hunting show. The guy on the show was cow calling and every time he made a sound the same sound came from my daughter bedroom. I jumped up, brought her out and asked her to do it again and to my delight a PERFECT cow mew came out of her lips. Man o man is pappa proud. 2 weeks from now and she'll be in Wy with me calling for me. She can do a heck of bugle with a paper towl roll too. True humility is something that I think you can learn only from your kids.

Cute kid Manny!

Hey D,

What caliber is that pink rifle? I'm looking for one in that very color. She is a cutie as well.

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