My little boy's first oryx!!!


Active Member
My son JP starts the 2013 season with a bang!! JP harvested a nice bull Oryx on the Rhodes Canyon youth hunt. His Grandpa also drew the Disability Impaired tag, so, grandson and grandpa were able to hunt together. Grandpa harvested a nice bull of 36 inches.

Friday started with the briefing from the NMGF and Gilbert V. Our hunting party headed out to some predetermined spots and we started to glass from on top of the trucks. We spotted a single oryx without any horns. It was a first oryx for the most of the guys. We continued to glass and spotted little herds of oryx to the north. Grandpa and his brother went off to the south for a quick hike to see if there were any other oryx with the single one.
JP and I went to the north to put a stalk on a few oryx that were feeding. My brother Dave and Dino spotted for us from the trucks. The wind was very inconsistent for most of the day and blew many long stalks for us. Needless to say, Friday was exciting even though my son never got a shot at an oryx. We worked really hard and walked many miles in the hot sun this day but it was all worth it!
Grandpa Charlie connected on a nice bull oryx that evening, the bull measured out at 36 inches. He made a nice shot at 400 yards and dropped it in his tracks. It was a very exciting day for all of us.
Saturday morning we went into the same area and found oryx on our first glassing stop. The oryx were trotting west about 150 yards south from another truck that was looking at a herd of oryx to the north. The oryx were heading west so we got back into the truck drove past the truck and waved to them and turned the corner. The oryx were running full blast and were about to cross the road. I stopped the truck and we got out and set up on the tripod off the road. We waited for them to stop. When they stopped we tried our best to determine which one were the biggest and the range. JP was ready and took a shot! He shot below the bull. He took another shot but was still low. The herd started to move south along the foothills of the mountain.
We went up the road to cut them off. We got set up and waited for the oryx to make their way towards us. The oryx were pretty much all the same size and we picked the last one to harvest because he looked good. JP took aim (250 yards) and shot and hit the bull far back because the oryx started to move at the same time he pulled the trigger. The bull was hit pretty hard and slowed down and fell a couple of times. We closed the distance to about a 100 yards and JP put it right on the spot and dropped the Oryx in his tracks!! The whopping and hollering started!!
JP was super excited and kept saying ?I DID IT DAD!! I DID IT!! I GOT MY ORYX!!? Then he looks at me and asked ?Is he a nice one dad? I didn't even see how big his horns were!? I told JP look through your binoculars for yourself! He saw the oryx had a nice set of horns on him and was jumping up and down giving high fives to me and his uncles!
We walked down to the bull and said our prayers and thanks! This is a true trophy for all of us to enjoy and I am so glad the WSMR allows us to take pictures of memories like this. The pictures speak a million words of happiness and triumphant success for grandpa, grandson, dad, son, brothers and uncles!! Thank you all for the help and good times!

Great job JP and Grandpa Charlie!

JP with his first Oryx!!

Another pic of JP! All Smiles!

Jp's hunting party....

The last resting place.....

Happy Hunters!! Grandpa and grandson with Grandpas Oryx!

The Double!!!!


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