My Hog Hunt



LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 01:08AM (MST) by 1911 (moderator)[p]After spending nearly fourteen hours traveling to southeastern Oklahoma by car for my first Exotics wildlife hunt, I was more than a little excited as I pulled up to the front gate at the entrance to the Triple S Exotics Wildlife Ranch, owned by Steve Seibert.

I'd finally arrived at the Triple S Exotics Wildlife Ranch is Calvin, Oklahoma, and I couldn't wait to be in the woods. Steve Seibert (owner) and Norm Miller (Manager) quickly greeted me at the gate via intercom, they welcomed me to the Triple S Exotics Wildlife. The gates opened and my adventure began. Actually my adventure began shortly before I got to the main gates as you can see exotic wildlife in the front pasture. I could see BlackBucks, Elk, Watusi, WhiteTail deer, Yak, Fallow deer and a couple of others I was not sure what kind of animal they were. I drove down the driveway to the main lodge, a fantastic rustic building and very large. Steve Seibert and Norm Miller made me feel completely at home with there warmth and hospitality. I walked into the main lodge and all I can say is WOW!!! Wall to wall, floor to ceiling, over 300 mounts from all across the world. To name just a few , Lion, Mountain Lion, Moose, Bear, Fallow Deer, WhiteTail Deer a few smaller creatures that looked like miniture dear. There were pheasants, Fish, Birds, Wolf, Buffalo, Hippo, Rhino, Water Buffalo, it is an awe inspiring site. I threw my bags into my lodge room and I was introduced to my Guide Robert

Robert and I got right to it, Robert grabbed a Polaris Ranger Binoculars a couple of shooting sticks and off we went deep into the 3000 acre's of forest, flatland and valleys on the Triple S Exotics Wildlife Ranch. I told robert I was after a giant hog. I was looking for a fantastic trophy and all that meat. pork roasts, chops, ribs, steaks. I was hopeing to harvest a 500 - 900lb hog.
Fifteen minutes and a 1/2 mile or so later, I arrived at the hog pasture. In the distance I could see a few hogs running around 200 maybe 300 lbs. Also saw a litter of babies about 8 of them. These were not the hogs I was after. Oh no! I would settle for nothing less than a giant hog before I went home.

The wind began to quiet, as did my thoughts, and I relaxed and became rejuvenated by my surroundings. I'd had a four-month reprieve from hunting and my spirits soared as I listened to the birds and inhaled the moist spring air. Robert and I got out of the Polaris and he said "I believe I know where we may find your monster hog!

We stalked hogs for Forty-five minutes, I have never seen anyone move as silently as my guide Robert did. Robert waved his hand down, motioning for me to squat out of site. He then motioned me over to him, putting his finger to his lips letting me to be very quite. When I got to my guides position he pointed south and did not say a word. There it sat, a giant black hog, this beast had to weigh in at over 500LB, it was the most fantastic hog I had ever seen.

Robert set up the shooting stick, my eyes focused on his heart and although I was aware a broadside, double lung shot was the highest-percentage shot on hogs, I couldn't resist this shot opportunity. I aimed my rifle I calmly depressed the trigger and watched my bullet hit its mark. Immediately upon impact he hurled himself forward and spun around twice snorting and grunting in earnest. The burly boar then spun off to the south running, but quickly slowed to a walk just 30 yards out. I watched him walk off until I lost sight of him in the heavy brush at 50 yards. Seconds later I heard a loud thrashing in the brush, then silence.

Scanning the ground below I easily spotted the blood, surmising I'd gotten full penetration on the hog. After a short wait I marked the blood trail into the thick cover and returned to camp. My shot had been a good one, and while I knew my hog was down, I didn't want to go in after him quite yet.

Returning just after dark, we easily followed the blood trail and quickly located my downed hog just 60 yards south of of the spot we had been in. I had made a perfect heart shot on my first wild boar...a dandy one indeed!

Perfect weather and great company made for an unforgettable hunt. Thank you Steve Siebert and the entire crew of the Triple S Wildlife Exotics Ranch

If you would like to check out the Triple S WIldlife Exotics Ranch I have there Web address.
You can all call Steve Seibert (owner) 405-xxx-xxxx -- 405-xxx-xxxx
We can see on your profile that you are Steve Seibert. You should just post something stating you've got great hog hunting and leave it at that. Welcome to MM!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Wow, a completely fabricated review of a business by the business owner.

No thanks. Try a little honesty next time.
>After spending nearly fourteen hours traveling
>to southeastern Oklahoma by car
>for my first Exotics wildlife
>hunt, I was more than
>a little excited as I
>pulled up to the front
>gate at the entrance to
>the Triple S Exotics Wildlife
>Ranch, owned by Steve Seibert.
>I'd finally arrived at the Triple
>S Exotics Wildlife Ranch is
>Calvin, Oklahoma, and I couldn't
>wait to be in the
>woods. Steve Seibert (owner) and
>Norm Miller (Manager) quickly greeted
>me at the gate via
>intercom, they welcomed me to
>the Triple S Exotics Wildlife.
>The gates opened and my
>adventure began. Actually my adventure
>began shortly before I got
>to the main gates as
>you can see exotic wildlife
>in the front pasture. I
>could see BlackBucks, Elk, Watusi,
>WhiteTail deer, Yak, Fallow deer
>and a couple of others
>I was not sure what
>kind of animal they were.
>I drove down the driveway
>to the main lodge, a
>fantastic rustic building and very
>large. Steve Seibert and Norm
>Miller made me feel completely
>at home with there warmth
>and hospitality. I walked into
>the main lodge and all
>I can say is WOW!!!
>Wall to wall, floor to
>ceiling, over 300 mounts from
>all across the world. To
>name just a few ,
>Lion, Mountain Lion, Moose, Bear,
>Fallow Deer, WhiteTail Deer a
>few smaller creatures that looked
>like miniture dear. There were
>pheasants, Fish, Birds, Wolf, Buffalo,
>Hippo, Rhino, Water Buffalo, it
>is an awe inspiring site.
>I threw my bags into
>my lodge room and I
>was introduced to my Guide
>Robert and I got right to
>it, Robert grabbed a Polaris
>Ranger Binoculars a couple of
>shooting sticks and off we
>went deep into the 3000
>acre's of forest, flatland and
>valleys on the Triple S
>Exotics Wildlife Ranch. I told
>robert I was after a
>giant hog. I was looking
>for a fantastic trophy and
>all that meat. pork roasts,
>chops, ribs, steaks. I was
>hopeing to harvest a 500
>- 900lb hog.
>Fifteen minutes and a 1/2 mile
>or so later, I arrived
>at the hog pasture. In
>the distance I could see
>a few hogs running around
>200 maybe 300 lbs. Also
>saw a litter of babies
>about 8 of them. These
>were not the hogs I
>was after. Oh no! I
>would settle for nothing less
>than a giant hog before
>I went home.
>The wind began to quiet, as
>did my thoughts, and I
>relaxed and became rejuvenated by
>my surroundings. I'd had a
>four-month reprieve from hunting and
>my spirits soared as I
>listened to the birds and
>inhaled the moist spring air.
>Robert and I got out
>of the Polaris and he
>said "I believe I know
>where we may find your
>monster hog!
>We stalked hogs for Forty-five minutes,
>I have never seen anyone
>move as silently as my
>guide Robert did. Robert waved
>his hand down, motioning for
>me to squat out of
>site. He then motioned me
>over to him, putting his
>finger to his lips letting
>me to be very quite.
>When I got to my
>guides position he pointed south
>and did not say a
>word. There it sat, a
>giant black hog, this beast
>had to weigh in at
>over 500LB, it was the
>most fantastic hog I had
>ever seen.
>Robert set up the shooting stick,
>my eyes focused on his
>heart and although I was
>aware a broadside, double lung
>shot was the highest-percentage shot
>on hogs, I couldn't resist
>this shot opportunity. I aimed
>my rifle I calmly depressed
>the trigger and watched my
>bullet hit its mark. Immediately
>upon impact he hurled himself
>forward and spun around twice
>snorting and grunting in earnest.
>The burly boar then spun
>off to the south running,
>but quickly slowed to a
>walk just 30 yards out.
>I watched him walk off
>until I lost sight of
>him in the heavy brush
>at 50 yards. Seconds later
>I heard a loud thrashing
>in the brush, then silence.
>Scanning the ground below I easily
>spotted the blood, surmising I'd
>gotten full penetration on the
>hog. After a short wait
>I marked the blood trail
>into the thick cover and
>returned to camp. My shot
>had been a good one,
>and while I knew my
>hog was down, I didn't
>want to go in after
>him quite yet.
>Returning just after dark, we easily
>followed the blood trail and
>quickly located my downed hog
>just 60 yards south of
>of the spot we had
>been in. I had made
>a perfect heart shot on
>my first wild boar...a dandy
>one indeed!
>Perfect weather and great company made
>for an unforgettable hunt. Thank
>you Steve Siebert and the
>entire crew of the Triple
>S Wildlife Exotics Ranch
>If you would like to check
>out the Triple S WIldlife
>Exotics Ranch I have there
>Web address.
>You can all call Steve Seibert
>(owner) 405-220-2221 -- 405-395-2612



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
So you drove 14 hours to meet yourself? Was this some sort of back to the future time travel? Might want to check with founder before you go putting out cheap plugs for free advertising.

Normally I would just nuke one like this. Instead, I removed your numbers and website plug, leaving this absurd post up in the hopes that any potential customer can be forewarned about the credibility/integrity issues they might encounter doing business.

All others can get the same thing I got....a good laugh. You must really think people are stupid.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 02:42AM (MST)[p]Steve do ya think were all a bunch of dope
Smokers here??

Wait I am.....tell me a story about the
War how you went to the NAM and fought your self.


Using the ole 3rd person conversation trick I see...

It is okay this time of year as we have the NBA playoffs going on and there is alot of that 3rd person gig going on...

'Jamaal new he could make the 2 foul shots if Jamaal got fouled'

Statement from Jamaal

Huntin off a f'n Polaris Ranger Huh?

Why not just forget the Huntin Sticks & mount the Gun on the Roll Bar?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
"The Hog Pasture"!

This type of Hunting might be for some TARDS,but not my cup of Tea!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Geezus you could only find this kind of stuff on the Campfire Forum. We're like the toy department in a large retail establishment. To much fun down here.
Hey F'er?

WTF you doin up so early?

I feel a Thread comming on!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Will be training a new grunt this morning, just trying to get a jump on work before things go downhill.

Got a new magazine coming out soon, stay tuned :)
Atta Boy F'er!

I'm not in this next coming issue right?:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

Good Job on the keeping the thread but slashing the contact info 1911 but make sure to cut it out of Snort's post as well.

Bill has to go now and wake Bill's kids up for school and later meet Bill at work.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Hey guys, they offer "green hunting". Thats where you sneak up on game, shoot them with a tranquilizer and get your picture taken. That has to be good for the wildlife.

This is the funniest post I've ever seen
"I could see BlackBucks, Elk, Watusi, WhiteTail deer, Yak, Fallow deer and a couple of others I was not sure what kind of animal they were."

One of my favorite passages.....

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
"To name just a few , Lion, Mountain Lion, Moose, Bear, Fallow Deer, WhiteTail Deer a few smaller creatures that looked like miniture dear."

Another riveting, spell-bounding passage...

First mistake was his handle, triples. 1 post...a little sketchy. If you got to see the website, his home page is isn't bad. If you talk to Steve, it's like "taking a discovery on a hunt around the world".

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
5 years on here and I think this is the most memorable post I have read. I laughed so hard I might have pulled a muscle. This is a classic. Founder we need a knew posting area called all time classics this would be in the top 10.
It did back memories of my dad letting me kill a hog before we butchered it when I was 10 years old. We had the hogs out on acorns in the hog pasture, but I used a tree instead of shooting sticks.
I thought the Watusi was a tribe of very tall African native people. That's truly an exotic ranch.

This is almost as funny as the time WAY back when cASS's little brother (wink wink) got on the computer under cASS's login and posted pictures of his Dads Buck as cASS's. ;-)
I am lost

I've gone to find myslef

If I should return before I get back

Please ask me to wait!!

6th grade teacher had that on his wall.. I'll never forget it. but if I do I'll go and look for it but If I should return before I get back... Please ask ME to wait!

It was a big bodied 2 point.
About the owner a green hunt what is this world coming too
there ws a ranch here in Colorado doing tag and release elk but they actually sawed the antlers off while the bull is a sleep . To each there own but hey its a choice if folks want to do this stuff Im cool but this post is way to funny . He prolly takes the money he makes off this outfit and buys great hunts for mule deer and elk out here in the west eh Steve O?

Triple S Ranch owner Steve Seibert has enjoyed the outdoors all his life and is exceptionally qualified to share the magic of his unique Oklahoma wildlife ranch. He grew up in a hunting family and began hunting and fishing with his parents at the age of five.

Later, during his career as a FedEx Executive, Steve was able to meld his lifelong love of hunting with his worldwide business travels, literally hunting all over the globe. Through the years, he amassed over 300 mounts that are now displayed in the Triple S Lodge and his experiences and knowledge make him an authority on hunting, wildlife conservation, and wildlife care/husbandry.

When Steve retired from FedEx, it was time to realize his long held dream of creating a wildlife ranch. He purchased the raw land north of Calvin, Oklahoma that would become Triple S Ranch and four years later, the facility stands as a testament to his vision. Thirteen miles of high fences now enclose a wilderness where wild animals abound.

Steve?s passion for wildlife and for excellence shows up in all aspects of the ranch and he is personally involved in all the day-to-day activities and in making sure the Triple S experience is unforgettable. His years of Fortune 100 company experience led him to blend the unique format where wild animals from around the world roam free with an intense commitment to a ?customer is always right? policy, and to flexibility that creates a customized experience for people of all budgets. For Steve, efficiency is key, and that led to on-site facilities for meat processing and taxidermy - another convenience for Triple S guests.

Steve was the first person to successfully green hunt the African Big Five with a bow, and he has introduced the revolutionary green hunting experience to many visitors to Triple S Ranch. Although the concept of green hunting is relatively new, it's one that is catching on world-wide and offers new and old hunters a new experience of combining traditional hunting with the "catch and release" concept.

Visiting with Steve and hearing him recount his many experiences is like taking a discovery trip through the animal world. His enthusiasm for and excitement with the animals and with the ranch add much to the enjoyment of Triple S visitors.
More priceless humor here on Monster Muleys'.com......

"Okies", who would have thought?

Is this the same guy who robbed the bank and used his own deposit slip for the hold-up note?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I might have to email "steve" and thank him for this awesome post. Doesn't he know what those 300 animals on his wall are? 14 hour drive could have made him dilutional, maybe he was actualy talking to himself.;)
his 14 hour drive was do to the fact he drank a cooler full of keystone ice and never drove over 30 mph !

hog pasture ! that got me gigglin'
Funny $#it there!!!

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
I wonder if he's changed his email from his website yet??!! Anyone here send him one yet??

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
I didn't email him. I figure if he's checked on this post he's had plenty of embarrassment! I wonder how many other hunting sites he posted this on. I wonder if he ran into the same problem. Can't blame a guy for trying to get his product out there....but there is a wrong way to do it.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>I didn't email him. I figure
>if he's checked on this
>post he's had plenty of
>embarrassment! I wonder how many
>other hunting sites he posted
>this on. I wonder if
>he ran into the same
>problem. Can't blame a guy
>for trying to get his
>product out there....but there is
>a wrong way to do
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

I wouldn't trust a business who lied to me with a fake review to get me through the door. If they will do that, they will be dishonest in other areas.

I have a competitor who writes dozens of fake google reviews for his place and it's no surprise when I have customers renting from me saying they were taken advantage of or treated poorly by this competitor.
Instant classic! We do need a section for the "classics" ie smoking the bong/15 inch saddle and of course the turtle hunt. LOL
I have never been to the triples but believe every word Steve says. For, talking to him is the best discovery an okie from muskogie can get. I have spent my whole life in tornado ally and now I see out the alley after visiting the hog pasture. Talk about paradise, hogs in a pasture running wild. Kinda reminds me of bugeling elk in the high country of Co, although Ive nevver been to CO, but could imagine it would be similiar. With the price of bacon these days, 20k is a great deal... and if you dont like bacon it is stil great because we, I mean steve has green hunts. Pay first, ask later, its worth it.

Guber, friend of Steves.

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