My High Country Deer


Very Active Member
First trip to the high country. I think he's a fine representative buck for the area. Not sure if he'll go on the wall as a shoulder mount or euro mount though, but either way, I like him and happy with him.
Very Nice buck. I would shoulder mount him, unless you have LOTS of other bucks on the wall. That would be a good problem to have. But I'd go with the shoulder mount. Congrats on a great buck.
Awesome! He has fawn spots along his back, never seen a mature muley with them but one area I hunted in OH had a lot of mature bucks with a faint line of spots on either side of the spine.
how wide is he ? congrats good looking buck I probably would be putting that on the wall
The inside beam to beam spread on him was 26.5". Outside beam to beam was 28" and greatest spread was around 28-29. I thought he was a mid 170's buck but to my surprise he scored 183". His eye guards, mass and small cheaters added up a little to give him the extra push.

Thanks for all the nice words! This was a cool hunt that I could go on and on about.

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