My Heros



President signs bill including wolf delisting language

Big Game Forever
Dedicated to common sense conservation
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2011

President Obama has just signed H.R. 1473 the Budget Resolution, continuing government operations until September 30. A provision within that act will have wide ranging effects on the control of the Grey Wolf populations within some western states. The act requires that in the states of Montana and Idaho the Wolf be removed from the Endanger Species Act (ESA) and returned to individual state management. Language was also included which allows Wyoming to move toward delisting.

Sen. Orrin Hatch expressed, ?I couldn't be more pleased with the inclusion of wolf-delisting language in the budget bill that passed this week. The return of wolf management in northern Utah to state wildlife managers is a very important step in the right direction. This wouldn't have happened without the resolute efforts of Big Game Forever and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. I remain committed to doing everything that I can to ensure that the states, not the federal government, have the responsibility for managing wolves. ?

The sportsmen of America are grateful for the leadership of Leader Reid, Senator Tester, Senator Baucus, Senator Hatch, Senator Barrasso, Senator Enzi, Senator Risch, Senator Crapo, Senator McCain and Senator Kyl, Congressman Rehberg, Congresswoman Lummis, Congressman Matheson, Congressman Bishop, Congressman Ross, Congressman Chaffetz, Congressman Simpson and the over 60 total cosponsors who played a role in building the consensus of a need for Congressional action to delist no longer endangered wolf populations.

?We are encouraged that Congress has acknowledged the need to delist no longer endangered wolf populations. It is unfortunate that multiple administrative delisting decisions and ultimately Congressional action were required to obtain a partial delisting of a species that has been recovered for years. We applaud the beginning of the return of management of wolves to state wildlife managers who manage and protect hundreds of game and nongame species so capably,? said Ryan Benson of Big Game Forever.

U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis explained the importance of including language preserving Judge Alan Johnson?s November 2010 ruling. ?Upholding Judge Johnson?s ruling is crucial to advancing negotiations on a common sense wolf management plan. This language removes obstacles that would have otherwise hindered discussions on the status of the fully recovered gray wolf in Wyoming. Returning management of the gray wolf to the State of Wyoming is the ultimate goal. Much work remains, but with this provision intact, I am confident we are closer than ever to realizing a full delisting. I look forward to that happy day.?

Don Peay, founder of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, said, ?With the need to trim billions from the federal budgets, this was first step to return management of wolves to all states and end redundant federal expenditures for a job states can do better. More importantly, with high unemployment rates and losses of jobs, abundant big game herds are an American Treasure, a renewable resource, and with proper management can sustain tens of millions of dollars in annual economic activity, tens of thousands of jobs, and the opportunity for hundreds of thousands of Americans to put food on the table.?

Big Game Forever and Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife are grateful for the selfless and dedicated efforts of countless conservation minded sportsmen of America. The responsible livestock producer organizations, the conservation groups and many other organizations who have added their voice to this important effort have helped tremendously to educate for the need to protect healthy wildlife populations and America?s livestock industry.


this is truly a great victory for sportsmen.

might write a book about it one day, all the interesting twists and turns

got a few emails from you in the middle of the political firestorm, sorry for not getting back, thanks for your help.

send me an eamail if you can,


Donny boy when are you going to be honest and tell people where your spending the $1,000,000 that you received from the expo tags?
The deceptive losers and the wanna be brown tongue's....

Very small in number but oh so 'get a room' close.

A book---- hahahahahahahaha

'Lo$er$ And Liar$'

Donation$ expected

Just a simple, THANKS, Don!
I know you're the right man for the times!

Best regards,

This damn internet turns the uninformed and uninvolved into "experts". Too bad the attacks continue as we ALL reach for the same goal!

Let the petty howling begin!
Thanks to everyone who helped. Thanks especially to Don and Ryan. I have seen the list, and talked to some of the congressman who where fighting for us sportsmen and ranchers.
Apparently it will be a book of fiction.

Maybe we can start with a few titles for the book...

I'll go first.

DKPEAY: The Spin on Wildlife Management.
I'd just be content to see this "plan" of theirs published for the masses to read, rather than now talking about a book being written, LOL!!!
Hey topgun,
As I recall you were the guy, not too long ago, who was trying to formulate an opinion about Don based on other people's rants right here on MM.

You've make a decision without ever meeting him, huh?

Sure sounds like you know all about him now!
Monkey see, monkey do!

Damn internet experts!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 02:08PM (MST)[p]Back at ya there Zeke! Seems as though you're the pot calling the kettle black and have just made a decision about me without knowing me from a can of paint, LOL! FYI, with my being retired and having a big interest in this wolf situation since this whole wolf deal really got going, especially on this website, and having a lot of time since last hunting season to look into it further, I've been doing plenty of research on the two organizations that most of us MMers have problems with than you would ever know. I have made my opinion based on that research, so sorry if you don't agree, but it's all out there to see who did what if you have the time to look into it and check the facts. It's amazing what you can find doing a search on things if you have the time! These two outfits were about as far from helping to get that Rider placed in the Budget Bill as you can get and now are trying to take most of the credit for getting it done. Sorry if you don't agree with that opinion, but that's all it is and I feel I'm right unless you have proof to show I'm wrong. Guys have asked for their plan a number of times and we can't even get that from their representatives, but instead are being told it's "top secret" chit and why would they put it out on this website for everyone to see, LOL!!! Have a good day!!! PS: If I get one more email from BGF asking for money to continue "their cause", whatever that is, I'm going to puke!!!
Well.... try to keep your cookies down there topgun.

I just get a bit cranky when the attacks continue from folks who are soooo removed, even if they have all the time in the world to cruise the internet. I've knows Don personally for over 35 years and I've seen what's in his heart.

You're entitled to your opinion, no doubt. You've earned the right, I'm sure. I've always enjoyed our banter here-to-fore.

I guess it's about time for us all to get back to basics....
"Civility" and it will start with me.

Have a good day. We're on the same side after all is said and done.

I could care less whats in his heart (although I've a good idea $$$$)...I SAW first hand BGF/SFW trying to stop the delisting process in the CR.

The facts and truth are what they are.
LOL! Good one there Zeke!!! I'm still trying to figure out where BGF got my address in the first place, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I finally got tired of their constant stream of drivel and put them in my SPAM castoff section, LOL! Anyway, I don't feel as anything that has been said has not been civil compared to some threads on the site and net regarding this subject, and afterall, we're talking about a pretty serious situation where people have a lot at stake. I can't make any remarks about what's in Don's or Ryan's hearts because I don't know either personally and all I can go by is what I read and gather on my own and from others. I hope both of them are truly good guys who are just going about things in a way that a lot of us don't agree with, but are basically trying for the same end result. I'll leave it at that and you have a good day Sir!

I agree. I have not only known Don for about 20 years, but know a lot of the sportsmen who have worked to make hunting better for the future. I don't always agree with their decisions. I do agree that he is not doing what he's doing to get rich or to scam hunters. He and many others has worked their butt off, to fight the anti hunters and groups that want to take away everything that us sportsmen and our children love.
I love the supporters of DKPEAY, say anything against what he does and you are "filled with hate". Kiss his behind and say what is in his heart and you are "civil".

Just for the record I don't hate Don Peay. I find SFW and BGF highly distasteful in both their methods and their conduct. Do a 10 minute search on their financial background and you will find things like raising $150,000 but $110,000 of that is paid out in unspecified "fund raising expenses".

In addition they are flat mistating the facts on purpose when it comes to the Tester/Simpson Amendment, I don't care how many times you repeat that story, it will never be the truth.

I wrote off Don Peay when he sat on a board of a group that supported the USO lawsuit demanding more NR tags. Regardless of what is in his heart his actions and conduct have meant fewer hunting opportunities for the average Joe in every state SFW is active in. If your wallet is large enough ole Don has a deal for you but if you are Joe average he doesn't have room in his heart for you.

Action speak louder than what somebody thinks is in somebody's heart.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]People are crazy if they think SFW/Don Peay was fighting the wolf issue for sportsmen. SFW was fighting the wolf issue to protect their business which is having elk tags. You can't have wolves eating all their trophy elk and still expect to sell a lot of trophy elk tags.

SFW needs tags from the Division to even exist. I don't believe Don Peay goes around to Walmart, Cabelas, Sportsman Warehouse to get his donations. He uses his power to get tags from the DWR to sell at auctions. I know they do get some things donated from sporting good stores like guns, camping gear etc to raffle/auction off but they big money makers are big game tags.

Again Don wasn't fighting the Wolf issue for sportsmen. He was fighting the issue to protect his investment and elk tags they get from the DWR. If elk numbers go down then SFW loses money.

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