My Henries Toad



I was so excited, I had just drawn the coveted Henries deer tag. I could not sleep at night thinking of all the hard work I was going to put into this hunt. I decided to do what any great hunter would do to get ready, I golfed a lot, fished some, looked at a map, and wrote a check to a reputable guide service. That done I hit the treadmill occasionally to prepare for the worst (turned out that part wasn't necessary.
Headed out to the Henries in the old Camry. I got nervous when I hit that gravel road into the camp spot, luckily no blowouts and I made it to camp. The guide came out and introduced himself and some other guys, turns out this would be one of the hardest parts of the hunt. I wasn't prepared to remember so many names in one weekend. Luckily I was assigned a "special" guide who would help me out exclusively.
I thought we would get out that last evening before the opening morning to locate a good buck. I was assured that several toads, pigs, and even a monster were already located and were being tended even as we spoke. I was relieved and went back to cooking marshmellows for yet another s'more.
Opening morning and time to get it done. I asked which truck I should throw my stuff into. I was told to set by the fire, relax, and visualize squeezing off a perfect shot on a big buck. Turns out my "special" guide and me were to wait at the camp, with a radio, to see which buck might turn up first. Finally team F called with the magic words "BBFS" I wasn't sure what that meant but found out it meant Big Buck Found and Surrounded. I quickly hooked my leash to my guide's back pocket and followed him to a predetermined shooting point (best video quality). He pointed out the buck, handed me a bullet, cautioned me about the other guides on the ridge by the buck, and hollered shoot. I laid the smack down and dropped him with one shot! BBD! I knew what that meant. I got my stuff together and hurried up to the kill. After watching it get taped I was able to be the 34th person there to get my hands on MY KILL OF A LIFETIME!
I was so proud to harvest this trophy and can't explain the sense of accomplishment that I felt. I feel like I've joined a club of exclusive hunters who have shot a "special" buck.
Photos are forthcoming. I think I have to wait until the magazine comes out. Thanks to all for helping and the support.

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Quite a bit of truth in that story. I've helped on a couple hunts that had a lot of them aspects. Funny stuff.
............and then the alarm clock went was time to get up and go back to work ...again......
Marley has 2 accounts here?

Thanks for the welcome. I'm hoping it's all I dreamed it would be. I don't really need a plaque or trophy, if a few of you guys could call me a good hunter and show some envy my way I'd feel great.
I've realized something from this hunt though. I'm going to get my 12 year old daughter a tag next year.........then she will be a great hunter, just like her dad.
>But seriously though. I wish those
>hunts were that easy. I've
>spent butt loads of money
>on "special" elk hunts and
>have yet to shoot a
>bull or buck near the
>400 or 200 mark. And
>most of those hunts have
>went the entire season, no
>first day kills, and I
>personally put in more miles
>than most hunters like yourself
>ever will in an entire

Wow Stinky, I worship you...almost as much as you do.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
I've got a bull tag for next week. I am not even going to leave the recliner until I get a call from my posse ,that they have one located. Too cold to go outside, and who wants to get up that early?
Did you get your moneys worth? Did you have to field dress and pack it out? How do you know you got the best buck on the mtn? Your story leaves too much to question..... I hope they at least provided a back up shooter being they only gave you 1 round. Must have been that econo guide service from Salem,Utah. Next time take up a couple good friend or family and enjoy your hunt the way most of us poor people do. You will be happy you did it the way it was meant to be done.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-10 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p]WAY FUNNY!!!!Good job hardhorn..
Maybe you can pm stinky the name of your guide,, sounds like he could use a good one.
You got a picture of this PISSCUTTER you can show us?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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