My frickin luck sometimes...


Long Time Member
Last week I bought friends and family 13 tickets to the Lakers @ Jazz game tomorrow night and Kobe Bryant has missed the past 2 games and is now a gametime decision in Utah because of his sprained ankle. The first game I bought tickets to, he broke his shooting hand index finger the night before and had his worst shooting performance of his career. D Wade and Beasley decided to play like sheit when I bought those tickets too...good hell I suck at picking which games to go to this year!! The NBA where wtf happens...

Any predictions on the all star weekend game, dunk, or 3 point contests?? Shannon Brown and Nate Robinson...Nate should win that one again I think but Shannon can jump too so who knows??

Dang, last year I took my son to a Laker game and could not believe what I had to pay for nose bleed seats. Cant imagine buying 13 seats.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Sorry to hear NC, My guess is Kobe won't play. He's been out two games, i'd doubt he plays at all in this one and only a token appearance in the all-star game.

As a side note, being somewhat of a R.A. fan, i find myself now pulling for the Lakers, WTF, something i never thought i had in me! :)

I'll bet you could scalp those tickets and get your dough back :)

Tickets here...Get your lakers tickets heeerrreeee!!

Keep buying tickets is all I can think of. Maybe he'll break his leg for everyone.

I think you're right and he'll sit out til Sunday's big game...just wish I would have known this information a week ago ya know. Oh well, it's my kickoff to an awesome weekend (expo) so I'll still go enjoy the game since it's paid for. It's cool though Joey, you can just be a Ron Artest favorite team is Kobe Bryant lol :) I'm cool with them both sharing the next championship!!

I paid ($344.50) for all the tix upfront but am being paid back for some...unless they back out now, then I'd be stuck or scalping them off...but I'm hoping that won't happen.

HK too funny!! LMAO that would only happen if I bought front row seats...

The Jazz played like shiite last night, no D, and 0 for a million from 3. Of course the Lakers getting every ticky tack foul you can think of sure didn't help, but you have to expect that when playing LA....

Never_Catch- I thought you were gonna say that your quad kings were beat by quad aces!

Thats too bad about Kobe being out. I don't think that is a bad price for 13 tickets though. At least Boozer will be in the line up! HaHaHa He's worth about $9.75 of what you spent! LOL


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