My first archer bull



LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-04 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]Here is a photo of my first archery bull-elk. The bull scored 374 and 7/8's before deductions. I have been hunting elk with a bow now for several years. This bull re-kindled the excitement I have for archery elk. What a great time to be in the woods.


The bull was harvested in S.E. Idaho, in unit 76 (big unit), which borders Idaho and Wyoming. I was hunting with two other's. We were in the process of retrieving my partners 5x5 he shot the night before, which was quartered up and ready for haul. I decided to go out from camp, and get in a few hours of hunting before we packed the elk out. We located several bulls bugling below us, and decided we had to make a decision to focus on one bull.
We used several different cow calls. This bull was screaming, and I could hear cows and just knew he rounding up his cows, so I made a decision to go after him. On the way to him, we coaxed a smaller 6x6 to show his face, but he would only offer a straight on shot (not good).
After what seemed forever (probably only a few minutes), I had made my way over to my bull. When I first saw him, he was tearing up a pine tree. I was almost busted by one of his cows. I found a good place to set up, on the edge of a quakie pocket, with a little opening about 15 yards across. I thought this is where he would come, because at this point I was between him and his cows. I let out a little bugle (small spike bugle), and he came in screaming, probably to kick my butt. I could see him coming through the trees screaming. 30 yards, 20 yards, 15 yards, ten yards. Then, finally at 8 yards, he turned giving me the shot I was looking for. I made a good shot, catching one lung solid (the shot actually took place as the bull was moving). He had another bull with him (respectable 6x6), that knew something was up, which is why my turned (I basically split the two bulls). After my shot, he barreled off. The other bull took off to my right and stopped at 20 yards. Now I was faced with a dilemma. Did I hit my bull? Should I take a shot at this other bull? Deciding not to make a bad decision, I passed on the other bull. I stepped out of the quakies, and the other bull took off (only another 20 yards). I located some blood quickly. I followed the trail for about 80 yards, and located my trophy.

What a hunt!

Gotta love chasin' bulls in September. No better time!
Hey Congrats Whacknpack! You should be proud of this trophy, but even more about the teamwork helping your partner to pack out his bull & the great decisions you took not shooting at the other bull on benefits of the hunting etics.
Please let us know: at the shooting time You were calling just by your self or somebody call for you?.
That's a great archery bull. There is nothing better in the world than archery hunting elk in September. There is no sweeter sound than bulls bugling. Great Job.

Congrats on an awesome Idaho bull. There isn't many of those (that big in Idaho) running around in a general season. Plus to get your first bull that big is just awesome.

Dear Elkadict,
Thanks for the question. There were two of us calling at first to simply locate the bulls and get them going. The bull was being held by the calling of my buddy. After a while, we determined that this herd bull (like we all know they do), was not going to hang around for long. It was at this point, that I decided to move in on him. I firmly believe, that by the time I reached this bull, my partner was so far away, that I could not hear him (my buddy). It was then that I began to softly cow call when attempting to get between him and his cows. Then, once I was between him and his cows (guess work), I went for the smaller bull tactic, hoping to upset him and remind him "Hey, you got cows over here, and I taking them". He then went ballistic, and well, as the story goes, the rest is history. So, it started out as a team effort (locating them), and then proceeded to a call and stalk and set-up. I am greatful for the wonderful assistance my friends gave me when packing this bad boy out. He was four miles in.

Thanks for the questions.

That is a whopper bull! Congrats to you! It will be tough to top that one but sure fun trying! Enjoy the steaks and memories!

Very nice bull!!!! What day of the month did you harvest it? Congrats! I guess you will never forget that one and to be your first bull, WOW!

This bull was taken last year ('03). It just took awhile to get the photos loaded. Interesting question you ask (what day of the month). Any particular reason for the question? Anyhow, he was shot September 12, 2003. I believe it was a Wednesday.


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