My Favorite Photos of Hillary


Long Time Member





For you T and Dude

That's almost as funny as our current president. you don't even have to take his words and pictures out of context to be a riot.

Your infactuation with Hillary pictures makes one wonder Ransom, I did the same thing with Farah Fawcett when I was a kid though so I know what's up.

Your making me laugh.
Why didn't you join us at campfire the other night. the one with all the photo's? I went easy on you. But D13 and Monster got out of control.
Bush sends his regards.

257 that is funny!

We don't want to see dudes favorite picture. He is probably right now trying to figure out how he can scan his wallet picture of a naked Gore laying on a white man bear pig skin.
How did you miss the picture of Cheney's dyke daughter? yeah she's a real cutie. the one thing those photos show is the conservatives hire better looking celebrities, if the dems would pony up they could hire the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders to speak for them. maybe that would get the Bubba vote to move over to the dems side?

I can find lots of reasons not to vote for Hillary but the fact she's ugly seems a little shallow even to me. presidents need to be attractive? none have turned me on yet so I'm missing something.

Or maybe Bush and Cheney raise your blood pressure a little? Bush in a thong? Cheney in a G string? you know Giuliani is a cross dresser, you'll really get a charge out of him. get all your presidential horn dog votes behind him and it might be a close election.

Hillary is ugly and I'm not a butt pirate, I'm going to have to choose a candidate on something other than looks I guess.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-07 AT 05:17PM (MST)[p]Dude

Thanks for checking in. If grain prices hit bottom you can always drop back to humor.


PS Bush must have rubbed off on Hillary. You have seen the latest polls right? Downward spiral started 10/30ish. 34% is a match for Bush. Brilliant woman.
>Hey dude, anybody got a light?

"We never exhaled!"


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't know what poll you're looking at but she beats Rudy in all of them as recent as 11/07. She doesn't have to be cute or popular, all she has to do is get more votes ( and Florida ) than Rudy.

Thats all figuring they each win their primary, that's almost a done deal though.

It might be worth having Hillary it just to see the look on the far right's face the first time they walk into a federal building and see a big picture of Hildabeast , their new president staring them in the eye. now that will be a Kodak moment.
> I don't know what poll
>you're looking at but she
>beats Rudy in all of
>them as recent as 11/07.
>She doesn't have to be
>cute or popular, all she
>has to do is get
>more votes ( and Florida
>) than Rudy.
> Thats all figuring they each
>win their primary, that's almost
>a done deal though.
>It might be worth having Hillary
>it just to see the
>look on the far right's
>face the first time they
>walk into a federal building
>and see a big picture
>of Hildabeast , their new
>president staring them in the
>eye. now that will be
>a Kodak moment.


Not the case at all, check the Rasmunssen poll, you somehow missed it. Now down to 34% nationwide among your people.

Gosh! Mosnar ... it's all about beauty in the south huh? well ... here is one homely yankee that kicked the sh!t outta some southern democrats. And NO! I'm not mad, never was!


My people? I'm a republican off the kool aid. Hillary and Rudy are both weak if you ask me.

What difference does a poll like that make? she's going to get the nomination anyway . you don't think many dems will vote for Rudy rather than her do you? in any case she's ahead in all the primary and general election polls.

If Rudy would just do a Playgirl shoot he'ld have all you political horn dogs obsessed with looks wrapped around his finger. I'm not into that so I'll probably just flip a coin.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-07 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-07 AT 06:47?PM (MST)

Yep! Your right. I bet your happy now. The south got screwed. We were defeated by the Reps, left behind by the Dems and left without a real party. Sucks. I can't play much longer as a buddy from Mississippi and family is arriving at the house shortly to vacation.
And by the way did you say wealthy? Yep my wife came from a mormon family and you'all know how good with money they are.
And a little foot note in history is that Abe Lincolns family was from the south. He was a traitor you know. Just depends on who you ask.

"mormom" family????

Dude, ya gotta go to Colorado City to find MORMOM's. All I can say is:


LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-07 AT 07:20PM (MST)[p]Holy cow time 1st time i went there was in 1987 on a strip hunt. Needed beer and gas lol. What a freaky place! Can anyone up north tell me why all the uniforms for morman church owned companys are made right there in Co. city?
Let it be Lizard! You & Mosnar have NO! idea what you're getting into! <smile> (sort of)


LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-07 AT 08:17PM (MST)[p]


"You sure act like your mad."

"Crazy ... insane .... sick .... perverted .... desprate .... zero for five on all hunts this year????? Yup!

Angry? Nope!!

I don't get it! When I ask Reps. why they specifically don't like Hillary, they revert back to the Clinton presidency. When I ask Dems. why they like Hillary they revert to the Clinton presidency. In either case the response is always fluff.

It also makes me wonder what political spoofing would be deemed acceptable if Obama were the front runner. Would it be pictures of Buckwheat, Little Black Sambo, Bin Laden, or KKK gatherings? Perhaps a picture a passed out black guy with some watermelon in front of a KFC would be o.k.

We all moan about our political system yet we boldly enter fluff contests and completely bypass substance. Oops, wait a second, ring, ring, it's Judith, "Hi Judith, I'm just posting on MM, do you want to say Hi to everyone?

If this is best we can do with either party we are all absolutely screwed and deservantly so.
>I don't get it! When I
>ask Reps. why they specifically
>don't like Hillary, they revert
>back to the Clinton presidency.
>When I ask Dems. why
>they like Hillary they revert
>to the Clinton presidency. In
>either case the response is
>always fluff.
>It also makes me wonder what
>political spoofing would be deemed
>acceptable if Obama were the
>front runner. Would it be
>pictures of Buckwheat, Little Black
>Sambo, Bin Laden, or KKK
>gatherings? Perhaps a picture a
>passed out black guy with
>some watermelon in front of
>a KFC would be o.k.
>We all moan about our political
>system yet we boldly enter
>fluff contests and completely bypass
>substance. Oops, wait a second,
>ring, ring, it's Judith, "Hi
>Judith, I'm just posting on
>MM, do you want to
>say Hi to everyone?
>If this is best we can
>do with either party we
>are all absolutely screwed and
>deservantly so.

Your last line, unfortunately, is where we are at.

>"You sure act like your mad."
>"Crazy ... insane .... sick ....
>perverted .... desprate .... zero
>for five on all hunts
>this year????? Yup!
>Angry? Nope!!


Just funnin with you. I know your not mad at me, its Monster.
I'm 1 for 4 so far this year. Maybe soon a buck will fall. Or maybe a bear.

Im mad as hell! So i guess ill give myself a week long time out. See you peeps when i get back. Gona need some luck with this weather. Rocky-ransom-comfort-monsur-creek hold our side of the line, till i get back. If you do a good job, ill take you next year.


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