My fault...but still disappointed


Very Active Member
Last week my buddy went with me on my Az. Unit 22n archery elk hunt.(had fun but did not take anything). One day we busted our butts looking for a spring off the beaten path. It was unusually warm, so we thought sitting water would be a good idea.

Anyway we found one. It was indeed off the beaten path. We made a ground blind and sat it Sunday afternoon and evening. A few cows but no bulls came in. We got up well before light on Monday morning and headed back up the mountain before sunrise. Nothing came in. My buddy needed to head bck to work that night so we went back to camp so he could get packed up.

I had taken a light jacket up the hill that morning. I knew I would need it later when we came back and the sun started to set. We had also brought up a couple of propel bottles which we ended up not drinking that morning. Because it was warm enough when we were leaving for my buddy to get packed up, and because we knew we would be back in a few hours, I decided to leave my jacket and the 2 propel bottles. As mentioned the ground blind had just been built and I think it was quite obvious that we would be coming back.

When we got back, about 3 hours later, my jacket was gone, one of the propel bottles was empty and the other was gone! I do not think it was some good person who wanted to clean up the place, who thought we had simply forgotten this stuff. First the jacket was on the gound in plain sight in the middle of the blind, not somethng that would have been forgotten. Second, if they were do gooders, why leave the empty propel bottle?

I know it was my falut for leaving the jacket, but I must say I am disappointed that a fellow hunter would do that. I know I have read all the posts about other hunters stealing trail cameras, etc, but it is still disappointing that such immoral conduct appears to be common with so many hunters.

I know I am silly to think "we hunters" share common goals, ideals and yes morals. Lessen learned yes, but I will continue to be disappointed when I hear such stories. I suppose if I lower my expectations of what I think of my fellow hunters, I would not be disappointed, but it is not something I want to do.

Please understand, the jacket was nice but not that expensive. My disapppointment is not so much the economic loss of the jacket, but is seeing another example of another immoral hunter.
that sucks!
next time just take a yellow drinks like poweraid, gator aid! and crack the seal may the prick will think its pee and leave it alone! we never think it will happen to us!
I was freaked out returning late in the evening and found a lady and her son standing in my camp site (two differant times) in total darkness their camp site was 90 yrds away........ and talking nicely to them was like being in the twlight zone!
maybe it was an illegal immigrant, and that was a much needed drink, and the first jacket he ever owned.

Okay, I get it, rather than lower my expectations of my views of my fellow hunters, I should simply live in denial and assume it was some non-hunter, who needed, no deserved the jacket more than I. The fact that I worked to earn the money to buy the jacket should be of no consequence. Furthermore, I should feel good that I was able to "share the warmth" and help a needy person, especially during "this giving" time of year. Yes something about lemons becoming lemonade comes to mind. Okay, I get it. In fact, if I only had the opportunity to meet this deserving soul I could thank him/her for opportunity to become more enlighted about such matters.
Youve spiritually enlightened me !!! Now lets go hunt the lil basta## down and beat his as$ !!!
caelkhnter, now that's the spirit! You should get along just fine during the Obama administration! LOL!

Don't leave ANYTHING laying around that you want to keep. ANYWHERE. That's just the way it is. That's the only way to not be disapointed.

President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
I packed in a case of bottled water under a bush for the muzzy hunt this fall and two weeks later when I went to get it, somebody had drunk 3 bottles, left them on the ground, and carried off what they could of the rest. At least I had a backup stash. This was in a foot traffic-only area. I guess I made the same mistake as you.


LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-08 AT 05:17PM (MST)[p]Pretty funny caelk! Not that you got your Jacket took, that sucks! i'm with Elkcrzy1 here, "LET'S GET HIM!!!"


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