My Dog is Eligible!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-10 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]

I went to sign up my dog, Sasha, for welfare on Friday.

At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".

So I explained to her that my dog is unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who her Daddy is. She expects me to feed her, provide her with housing and medical care and feel guilty because she is a dog.

So the lady looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify.

Sasha gets her first check in March.

Damn, this is a great country!!


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Cupsy just showed me a picture of a Dog that definitely qualifies.
The Mutt has a great trainer,problem is it's one of them 60/40 pics & I don't dare post the pic.
No doubt. I had a long conversation last night with one of the most hippie/left wing/liberals I know. Even she was saying she wishes she didn't vote for Obama and is sick of the Govt wanting to socialize our lives. Pretty amazing coming out of her mouth. I almost feel over. I wonder if cats are eligible?


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