My Deer


Long Time Member
I was lucky to finaly take a deer this year. Wanted to share with everyone.


Thanks for the heart felt congrats. He is now working on this years bigfoot I took in Oregon, should have it ready soon.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-07 AT 09:03AM (MST)[p]As TripK says "Behind every Doe Mount is a Southern Boy" Why is that girlie smiling?

You got a BIGFOOT! OMG that is AWESOME! According to Entertainment Weekly Sasquatch is "IN" right now. You are totally trendy, Ransom!

>Thanks for the heart felt congrats.
>He is now working on
>this years bigfoot I took
>in Oregon, should have it
>ready soon.

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
Thanks 3k, I'm ahead of the curve here at MM. Ist to show my trophy doe and soon to display my possible world record bigfoot. I've named him "The Dude".

That thar es a suthern alabaman, slick-headed, monstar!!!
the deer, not bambi

that musta been one of the beach bunnys he talks about, cuz i havent seen any other pics
>You make Bambi sad...

"Behind every uhh ... great ... uhhhh ... babe is a guy with $20.00" You got phone #'s Mosnar???

>Does your wife know your asking
>for Bambi's #?

I didn't post that it was SOMEONE ELSE

LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-07 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-07 AT 08:31?PM (MST)

Dana whats the back side look like?
(I dated a girl named Dana in high school,she had the biggest knockers in school! her dad hated me because when ever he was around I made it a point to stare at them and licks my lips and I was already bigger than him!)

Now you know why I use my middle name.


Some cop is going to taze you for bringing that up. Hey your "yiddish" rocky mountain comment got nuked. Can't you ever behave?


See might be called a ghost doe after all. I jumped her up at 25 yards and had my scope on max, I saw fur and let lead fly. Tracked her for 3 and and half weeks till my teacher and another hunter found her. I was pretty happy.


Come on, you know I wouldn't ever tell what state this baby came from and that's why I can't tell you the guide service's name. See gut wrenching story above for info, lost my camera to another hunter who took it and fled. Hunt cost: $20,000.


WOW, ur pretty stingy with the info...I thought thats what your supposed to do on this site... I am always looking for someones honey hole...Not even gonna lie. I ask for info tryin to yank someones spot....i think i almost got urs ransom...Keep the pics comin....just 1 field pic is all i need...Justin

Okay, one photo. No location given. Wouldn't do you any good because of chute planes, video makers, it was 20 years ago anyway and one more thing that must not be mentioned.


Great a little big I smallered it up for you...

thanks ransom, i have my tent spot already picked out...bout 4 feet off the arse end of the deer. Good spot for the shower bag about 30 yrds back.....See ya next year....Justin
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-07 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]You have to find a girl that can suck a golfball through a...ah, never mind...

I used Paint and cut the offending item, resized it and pasted it back over the original, then fixed up the edges a bit by cut/paste little pieces of the background...

p.s. I'm dumb, I spelled Edelbrock wrong...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-07 AT 06:23PM (MST)[p]Sheesh about a DORK! LOL


Boy have you been baited big time by Ransom. He sent me a pm and told me that he was going to post that photo of a doe because he knew you would foam at the mouth trying to dis him and his puny deer picture. I have seen his deer mounts and he has some that will make you drop your jaws in wishing it was yours.
A little warning, you have to watch those southern boys because they will stick it to you, without any vaseline on the stick, when you least expect it.
I did not think you would fall for it as Ransom thought when he PM me, but I was wrong. For some reason he really likes to jab you everytime he gets a chance. Be careful!!!!


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