My Daughter


Long Time Member
Her first buck with a bow. She took her first buck with a rifle at age 8. Now at 12 she has her first bow buck. She began bow hunting 3 years ago and finally success. She had this buck at 10 yards.


?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Oh 202...I hope you have the shotgun all shined up and your front porch rocker all ready to go when the boys come a'knockin' to take her out. Beautiful girl. Whatta smile!

Congrats to her on her 1st bow buck.
Thanks TK
As a matter of fact I do. LMAO
Thank God both my girls took after Mama in the looks department.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
That is AWESOME!!!! My daughter is 4 and she already is talking about taking her first animal. She loves to watch hunting shows with me and wants her own gun.

It is always good to see the young-uns out there hunting!!!!!!
Congrats to your daughter..
It's fun when the kids want to hunt, and super-cool when the daughters want to also. The catch is that usually the kids get bigger animals than dad does. Not that that is a problem, but you'd think the teacher should win one or two?
I have it pretty lucky as both my daughters like to hunt as well as the wife. And most of you know what my son does..
I'm already low on the Elk Totem Pole... My daughter, and wife both killed great bulls, and my "great" bull seems small now, but that doesn't bother me in the least. The cool part is that they had the desire to spend the time with us guys and wanted to be a part of hunting. Our family get togethers always end up talking hunting, and the same 4 words always find their way out somewhere, "mine's bigger than dads"! And that makes me pretty proud when those words come up, because without dad that probably would have never have happened.
I appreciate all of you guys who get your wife's and girl's involved. Sometimes you have to suck up a little pride, but it works the opposite way for me...
Congrats again!

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