My Dad's Last Hunting & Fishing Trip...



My father passed away in August at age 52 from cancer. The wound is still fresh with me and I'm still trying to deal with it. It didn't help me that his birthday was last weekend so I thought I would post a few pictures from happier days from September '08 from my dad's first and only antelope hunt (Wyoming), first and only praire dog hunt (Colorado) and his first and only Western fishing trip (Flaming Gorge, UT).

My brother and I really had to twist his arm to get him to take this trip including applying him for the license but he was very happy that we did. Turns out, it was some of the best time that we ever spent with him. I think the smiles in the photos speak for themselves. Little did we know, within 6 months of these photos that he would be diagnosed with cancer and 5 months after that he would be gone. I guess the point to my post is, don't take your family for granted and enjoy every opportunity that you have together.

This is the lope he took in a mediocre unit. It scored 73.


This is a photo of the entire crew.


This is a photo of myself, my brother and my dad together in Wyoming.


This is a photo of dad taking some shots at a zillion praire dogs in Colorado.


This is the put-in for the raft at the Flaming Gorge.


This is a photo of dad enjoying the trip. I never understood why he would rather fish than hunt.


This photo is dad with his first catch of the day.


This photo is my brother trying the Chuck Adams effect to make his fish look larger than it really is.


This photo demonstrates the mess we created when we were paying more attention to fishing than naviagating the river. We wrapped the raft around a rock near rapids called Mother-in-Law. My brother and I thought it was funny but my dad did not.


All in all, it was a great trip. Tell your dad how much you appreciate him while you still can. Thanks guys.
Sorry for your loss. Those look they were good times and made nice memories. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Hillbilly. Looks like a lot of good times. My dad passed away in March, pretty suddenly, and I still can't believe he is gone. We spent our last day fishing together fishing the Green on a float from the Dam to Little Hole just like you guys, it turned out to be one of the most marvelous days on the water ever. It was just him, my brother and myself. The old man owned the day, we couldn't keep the fish off his line. We didn't know that it would be the last time to fish with him, but we couldn't have made it any better if we had.

Here is a pic of him on that day with one of his last fish.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You built some great memories with your dad. Cherish those as they'll last as long as you breath. I lost my father on Christmas eve of 1980, up at our duck club. I still have fond memories when I'm out in some of the blinds where we shared our best days together.
Great pictures and great memories hillbilly. 52 is way to damn young to die. I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with him in the end when you both really needed it. Condolences go out to all you fellas who lost your fathers.
Thanks, hillbilly for sharing and making us all stop and think about how fragile life can be. I lost me dad five and a half years ago and it still hurts.

Wow, 52 IS way to young! All the people I went to highschool with are 52. Way too young.
Glad you have these memories, hillbilly. Are you guys from West Virginia? I saw the WV on your dad's cap. That is my home state.
Way cool post man. Your dad is proud no doubt that you keep his memory alive and honor the good times you shared. Life is absolutely too short.
Yup, it is a good post. And good that you got to have some pretty good memories of him outdoors.

Sad that your pa died so young.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Great post! Going on an elk hunt with my Dad and oldest boy this week. Thanks for keeping things in perspective.

Those are some great pics!!! Looks like it was a great hunt and fishing trip. Family out together like that is great!!
I'm sure your Dad will be watching all your hunts with joy.
Take Care.
HillBilly, I totaly understand your post and my heart felt condolences go out to you. Any of you that have read my once a year hunting elk posts on here have picked up on how important my dad is to me. Each year as he gets older I wonder if this will be the last year.

I am sorry for your loss. My dad died last year. Mom died last month. Both were long lived, had good lives, and were comfortable moving on. I have my peace, but do miss them.
I feel for everyones loss, I lost my mother in 1992 from brain cancer and my father in 1995, his system pretty much just shut down. But now I am blessed with having an awesome father inlaw who loves to fish and hunt.


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